Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum. Reflection on the state of health, behaviors supporting or detracting health and well-being


The daily lifestyles have notable influence on the wellbeing of any individual. Physical activities, healthy eating and activities of our daily lives contribute to our wellness or illnesses. Thus, my activities and diet composition have had a significant influence in my weight. For example, I am overweight with a BMI of 28. Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum.This is attributed to my frequent consumption of junk foods with high levels of calories particularly when am working or engaging in academic activities which limit my access of healthy foods. Furthermore, I have little time to exercise due to my tight schedules which undermine my efforts to lose weight. Being overweight is a risk factor to diabetes, hypertension, obesity and cardiovascular as well as respiratory conditions. In particular, I have been experiencing constant heel bone pain which is affecting my ability to stand up for an extended period of time. Owing to this, I have decided to enroll in a gym and walk to work every day to try lose some weight. I have also reduced my consumption of high calories food and am inclined to being a vegetarian. This has helped me lose some weight and hence am moving towards the right side of the continuum.Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum.

Options and resources available to move toward wellness on the health-illness spectrum

In order to improve my wellness, li have researched on various existing options and resources for weight loss. Firstly, I have visited a clinic that follows up with my heel problem and has re3eferred me to a physical therapist. That’s when I enrolled at the gym. Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum.The provider has provided adequate knowledge and awareness on m condition including how it could have been prevented together with pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies available. I also know the consequences of increased weight. The physical therapist advices on diet modifications and composition and the right way to exercise. These options and resources are meant to maintain my physical and mental wellness through weight loss and sustainability at the right body mass index. 

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