Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum. Importance of the perspective in relation to health and the human experience


The health-illness continuum is important in various ways. For instance, it improves the emotional and mental development of patients while treating them with hope (Subramaniam et al., 2017). Therefore, patients are motivated to engage in personal care and have better health. This results in prevention of emotional and physical illnesses through measurement of the continuum that applies to the individual person. Moreover, the development made by the patient is also easily identified using the continuum. Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum.This is because; the care continuum presents an integrated system that tracks patients and guides them over time through the health services required at different levels of care.Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum. Consequently, the perspective promotes preventative treatment. It educates people and creates awareness on signs and symptoms of different disorders and suggests how they can be alleviated to prevent their worsening. It also improves wellbeing by encouraging positive health behaviors via awareness to prevent presentation of symptoms. People are thus able to avoid risk factors and are able to protect themselves against premature deaths and pathologies.Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum.

How understanding the health-illness continuum promotes the value and dignity

The health-illness continuum enables the promotion of values and dignity of individuals or groups. The perspective indicates that individuals are not defined by their illnesses. In this case, caring for people helps make an outsider standpoint that puts the rights of the patients and their values first. Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum.Caring for different people with the same illness does not necessarily translate to generalization. More so, caring for the same patient through different levels of disease is different. Therefore, the continuum helps identify and appreciate each patient needs and at what level of care as well as facilitates understanding of the needs of a group of patients with similar disorders.Human Experience Across the Health-Illness Continuum. As such people present different relationships with their diseases and hence, caring should be guided by the dignity and values of the patients. In essence, it is critical for providers to be personally involved with patients and let them decide to what extent they are willing to have the physicians to invest in them, their illness and wellness. Perceiving patients as people leads to automatic dignity and respect (Subramaniam et al., 2017)

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