(Links to an external site.) Review the website and read about Culture of Safety. Also click on the suggested websites listed when you scroll down to the bottom of the page to research the topic further. Write a paper reflecting on what you learned about this culture. Include examples that you’ve seen in the field (both at your place of employment and in clinical experiences you’ve completed).

Patient Safety Culture

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The culture has become an important element to incorporate in healthcare facilities. Patient safety is one of the measures used to determine healthcare quality in a facility; therefore, incorporating it in everyday operations is crucial. In organizations, it refers to how organizational processes are designed with a focus on patient safety. The advantages to adopting patient safety culture include improved patient outcomes.


The culture requires an organization to understand the beliefs, values, and standards that constitute patient safety (Reis et al., 2020). Incorporating these elements in the organizational culture requires a change in attitudes and behaviors for all professionals in the organization. Maintaining this culture requires increased awareness about patient safety in the staff (Amiri et al., 2018). Regular staff training programs are very important. They educate and remind the staff about the importance of patient safety and why it is necessary to maintain processes that build on this achievement. Organizations that maintain patient safety culture are always on the lookout for areas that need improvement. By evaluating which areas need more safety attention, they continue to improve their healthcare services’ quality. Patient safety culture is only achieved when the efforts are both in group and individual behaviors. The organization might set up the right environment to maintain patient safety, but if the individual professionals do not observe these protocols and procedures, the implementation becomes unsuccessful.
The culture increases patient outcomes through patient perceptions. Patients’ perceptions are formed based on their experiences in a healthcare setting. Patients are bound to form good perceptions about a facility that focuses on their safety, increasing their level of satisfaction. When organizations are focused on safety, better health outcomes such as reduced hospital-acquired infections and fewer hospital falls translate to improved patient outcomes.

Amiri, M., Khademian, Z., & Nikandish, R. (2018). The effect of nurse empowerment educational program on patient safety culture: a randomized controlled trial. BMC medical education, 18(1), 1-8.
Reis, C. T., Paiva, S. G., & Sousa, P. (2018). The patient safety culture: a systematic review by characteristics of hospital survey on patient safety culture dimensions. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 30(9), 660-677.


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