HRM-635 Leveraging Human Capital


Employees are an essential component that determines organizational success. Organizations strive to ensure that the adopted interventions address the diverse needs of their staff. Interventions such as rewarding performance are crucial in enhancing the motivation level of the employees. Successful organizations have incorporated rewards into their cultures to ensure sustainability in positive outcomes and enhanced performance and competitiveness. Therefore, this paper examines the approaches to leveraging human capital within my organization. It explores topics that include tasks and performance indicators contributing to employee performance on the job, identification of employee strengths and skills, and a vision for the overall culture I intend to develop in my organization.

Emotional intelligent is important in nursing practices because it helps to understand people better (Whitney, 2018). Self-awareness is one of the important elements in emotional intelligent and it is the capacity to notice and comprehend your own feelings. Being conscious of the impact of your actions, moods, and emotions on other people goes beyond simply being aware of your own feelings. Developing self-awareness as a leader will strengthen not only individual performance but organizational performance as well. Ultimately, the immense amount of understanding, trustworthiness and wisdom that self-aware leaders possess equips them with critical skills for success.

Tasks and Performance Indicators

Leaders and managers can use tasks and performance indicators to improve the overall employee performance on the job. One of the tasks is delegation. Delegation is a practice intervention that leaders and managers utilize to improve employee performance on the job. It entails assigning some of the leader or manager’s responsibilities to the employee. Delegation builds confidence among the employees in undertaking complex organizational tasks. Managers and leaders that utilize this approach develop highly motivated teams that are willing to handle challenging projects in the organization. The other task is rewarding performance. Managers and leaders who reward performance has highly productive employees. Rewards motivate the employees to explore additional interventions that can be used to achieve enhanced care outcomes in their organizations (Halldorsdottir et al., 2018). Rewards also enhance employee focus on patient and organizational outcomes such as safety, quality, and efficiency in the care process.

Performance indicators also improve the overall employee performance on the job. One of the performance indicators is safety and quality rates in an organization. Indicators such as rates of pressure ulcers, falls, and medication errors offer healthcare providers insights into the effectiveness of their adopted interventions. An improvement in these rates motivates them to adopt additional evidence-based interventions to enhance care outcomes, hence, their productivity rate. The other performance indicator relates to patient outcomes with the adopted care interventions. Often, health organizations administer surveys, interviews, and questionnaires to their patients to determine their subjective experiences with healthcare services. A continued improvement in patient satisfaction motivates employees to focus more on adopting patient-centered interventions in the care process (Dragusheva et al., 2019). Consequently, there is an indirect improvement in their productivity as they strive to address the diverse care needs of their patients.

Identifying Employee Strengths and Skills to Leverage their Performance

Employee strengths and skills should be identified for the organization to come up with ways of leveraging their performance. One of the approaches to identifying employee strengths and skills is by observing them undertake their assigned tasks. Observation enables managers to identify strengths and unique skills in patient assessment, disease management, leadership, and decision-making that an employee has. The observation data informs the interventions to leverage the abilities of an organization. The other strategy is through formal methods such as interviewing the employees to identify their strengths and skills. Interviewing can provide insights into the knowledge and skills in areas such as communication, planning, problem-solving, and teamwork for an employee (Baljoon et al., 2018). Structured assessment tests can also be administered to the employees. Examples of these tests include StrenghtQuest

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