HP 609 Week 1 Discussion Key Characteristics of the U.S. Healthcare System

This is an outstanding and insightful post about comparing and contrasting traditional fee-for-service models with value-based models used in the U.S. healthcare system. Indeed, a fee-for-service model involves reimbursing providers based on the quantity of services provided while value-based care models stress efficiency, quality, and patient outcomes. Moreover, fee-for-service model focuses on service volume while value-based models incentivize affordable and quality care (Mason et al., 2021). Based on this description, I support your assertion that a fee-for-service model seems a little problematic to me because it can create an incentive for providers to increase their services to make more money.

The shift from the traditional fee-for-service model to value-based models primarily entails recalibration of the way of measuring healthcare and reimbursement of payments. The traditional fee-for-service model is merely encouraging providers to conduct as many advanced and fill as many beds, as possible. This only increases the cost of healthcare but does not improve patient outcomes (Mason et al., 2021). On the other hand, value-based models prioritize the quality of outcomes by connecting reimbursement to the quality of services delivered and also incentivize providers to prioritize patients.

Regarding the impact of value-based models on NP practice, the models stress care coordination, holistic approaches, preventive measures, and patient-centered care. Prioritizing patient outcomes enables NPs to focus on improving the overall patient health. Regarding metrics to support NP practice, it is noteworthy that there is a lack of standardized metrics to assess nurse practitioner practice (Mason et al., 2021). As such, the existing ones can be adopted to assess the contributions of NPs within the value-based models. For instance, health outcome indicators and patient satisfaction scores can be used to gauge NP-patient interactions and the effectiveness of NPs in improving health when using value-based care models.



Mason, D., Dickson, E., McLemore, M., & Perez, G. (2021) Policy and Politics in Nursing and Healthcare. 8th Edition. Elsevier Publishing. ISBN: 9780323554985

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