How will nurses benefit from the staffing issue being addressed?

How will nurses benefit from the staffing issue being addressed?

Patients are understandably upset by the present staff shortages in the wards. The average nurse has seven patients, which limits their ability to provide adequate care to each individual and increases the probability of mistakes being made. Patient care and security could both benefit from the hiring of more workers. Change theories and leadership strategies Consider adopting a transformational leadership style in order to inspire your team to work together toward common goals. By promoting a climate of change, this approach boosts employee participation and decision-making. It requires displaying idealized traits and behaviors

INTERDISCIPLINARY PLAN PROPOSAL4 and delivering inspirational motivation to followers beyond their interests. Transformational leaders inspire loyalty in their followers by inspiring awe and respect in them, as argued by Curado and Santos (2021). Leaders serve as coaches or mentors who help employees discover their unique strengths, interests, and goals by encouraging them to speak freely about these topics. There has been a lot of research linking job happiness to transformational leadership. Leadership and strategy shifts are essential for a thriving firm. Constructing a strong team is essential in the fight against healthcare worker shortages. Kurt Lewis's Unfreezing, Moving, and Refreezing model is a three-stage process that can be applied across disciplines. Overcoming obstacles, embracing new norms, and establishing a secure foundation all fall under this category of actions. Organizations can efficiently manage difficulties and adjust to new circumstances by adopting these strategies. Team Collaboration Strategy Patients with complex needs are best managed through collaborative healthcare delivered by a team of experts. The outcomes, expenses, and attention to the patient all improve with this method. Nurses are integral to healthcare teams, collaborating with other professionals to offer optimal patient care. Cross-training is suggested as a solution to the urgent issue of nurse shortages. This entails providing workers with training designed to improve their work ethic, social skills, and knowledge base. Saving money on payroll can be accomplished through cross- training workers from less busy areas to assist busier ones. Will and Lamb (2021) also note that forming patient-centered teams that encourage cross-border collaboration is a successful strategy. Physicians and nurses, as well as other members of the healthcare team, must effectively communicate, coordinate, and collaborate in order to offer the highest quality treatment to

INTERDISCIPLINARY PLAN PROPOSAL5 patients. The healthcare team is more likely to work together and achieve its goals when its members realize they are supported by others who also want to provide outstanding care. Required Organizational Resources There is a critical need to address shortages in the nursing workforce across all specialties, and we want to achieve this by providing cross-training opportunities for rehabilitation and palliative care professionals. Staff morale and productivity will increase as a result of this plan's emphasis on continuing education and advancement opportunities. The cross- trained nurses will receive 48.5 hours of training from the various department managers over the course of a month. After receiving their training, the nurses will have the opportunity to put their knowledge to use in a supervised setting at the orientation unit. To keep expenses down, we'll be conducting the training during regularly scheduled shifts. Managers and nurses who work in the most advanced care settings will also be eligible for bonuses and incentives. Furthermore, I propose providing $7 per hour more to nurses who are willing to float and work in a higher care-level unit, as well as providing incentives for nurses who are willing to train and become specialized. Improving working conditions, preventing nurse retention concerns, and increasing nursing retention rates may all be accomplished with an annual investment of $2 million under this proposal. If we don't follow through with this strategy, it will show that management and the nurses aren't working together. Putting money into the members of your staff who are willing to specialize and deliver care in small units can help bring everyone together. This expenditure has the potential to keep the hospital afloat and reduce the turnover rate among nurses. The possible loss of $2,000,000 hinges on the success of the plan to improve nurse retention and address staffing shortages

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