How to Overcome the Shortage of Healthcare Nurses by the Hospital Management 4.1. Transforming Nurse’s Work Environment


The job dissatisfaction by various nurses, determined by the benefits, pay, and workload stress, should be addressed in the public healthcare system of Hong Kong since this is associated with leave work and is a significant cause of turnover factors (Leung et al., 919). Changing the hospital culture such that the work environment is observed is one of the measures. The culture helps work on positive employee relationships and promotes employee satisfaction. Improving work processes might also contribute to feelings of value among nurses. Most of the time, nurses are assigned redundant roles landing different handing equipment to doctors, which demotivates them. The mismatched demand and supply for nurses in the healthcare industry can be eliminated by transforming hospitals into healing environments that can promote better working cultures and facilitate patient care.

According to Wei et al. (684), it would be appropriate to combine clinical and administrative roles, which help them develop their careers. The physical design in health facilities also plays a role in nurse retention. This is because it protects the patients and caregivers against infection and injuries. A safe design relieves nurses from work relate stress 5 increasing their chances of retaining the job. Finally, investing in research helps health facilities discover the causes of turnover. It might also facilitate them with ideas on improving work environments and meeting the priorities of nurses.

4.2 Increasing Employee Engagement

To ensure there is employee satisfaction, the hospital healthcare management should increase employee engagement. Maintaining solid leadership and hiring qualified managers, and building good strategies to engage the workforce employee engagement will be achieved. Transforming the nursing work environment has been identified as the best solution to the nursing shortage. First, it would be essential to advocate for policy change to address the nurse shortage issue. The consideration here should be the personal planning contingent since it will achieve continued improvements in organizational performance by nurses. The policy should seek to promote a work environment in nursing that is structured to attract new practitioners (Abhicharttibutra et al., 26). In this case, there should be strategies to promote increased salaries, better working conditions, and improved retirements plans. Such changes may attract current and future students to join the field. Such students may be convinced that the field offers promising and attractive career options. At the same time, they may be convinced that the previous aspects that made nursing attractive are not there anymore. Second, transforming the work environment may address burnout, lost interest, and compassion fatigue among nurse practitioners. This approach attempts to ensure changes in staffing to avoid workload, reduction in working hours to prevent fatigue, and reduction in the duties allocated to an individual nurse to prevent compassion fatigue.

In this case, hospital management is an essential aspect in enhancing the transformation of the work environment in the field of nursing. The hospital management has to carry out a project whose goal is retaining the nursing workforce in health facilities which helps reduce the shortage (Wei et al., 685). This effort may require having a better work environment that is supportive of the individuals in participation. A structured implementation plan is essential in planning personnel, actualization, and a conducive work environment, hence curbing turnover. The plan consists of the resources, actions, shareholders, and budget. The evidence-based practice model will be an essential tool and option in guiding the implementation phase of this project.

4.3 Health System Improvement through New Regulations and Policies

Healthcare management should participate in events that provide opportunities to raise and voice concerns about the nursing shortage in the public healthcare system. The specific health institution to conduct the project is the hospital management workplace. The first step in implementing the progress entails informing the executive management in the institution and requesting their approval for new policies and regulations (Marc et al., 11). This step requires making the administration or executive management aware of the nursing shortage issue in an organization. At the same time, the administrators should know about the establishing need to have the issue of shortage addressed and remedied to prevent it from going worse in affecting patient outcomes. It will also be appropriate to present the goal that the project aims to achieve. These goals improve the nurse work environment by adjusting the hospital culture and changing some parts of the hospital (Abhicharttibutra et al., 28). The list of key stakeh

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