How the results of previous research demonstrate support for the quality improvement initiative and its projected outcomes


Finn et al. (2018) argue that the cases of medical errors have been a challenge for
the past many years and there has been a rise in the need for the development of measures
to eliminate cases of unreliable healthcare chances. Taking this into account, there is the
support that the strategies of management of medical errors may include the development
of an effective communication channel or process for the patients to follow. As added by
Bari, Khan, and Rathore (2016), the use of effective communication will allow for the
elimination of any cases of ineffective handling of the medication for patients. This will
as well allow for the ease in the enhancement of the standard of operation of the nurses in
the medical setting.
The study by Wang et al. (2015) affirms that the support of effective
communication is necessary for the support of the fact that one has a role in the process
of developing reliable processes of change that will allow for the ease in the exchange of

rounds among the nurses. The communication of the nurses before exchange of rounds is
important since it allows for the nurses coming on duty to have an understanding of the
medication given to each of the patients (Gorbach et al., 2015). This is a critical process
that will allow for the enhancement of the process of teamwork among healthcare
providers. In turn, this will allow for the evasion of the cases of medical errors that may
cause a challenge ion the standard of patient care processes.

Steps necessary to implement the quality improvement initiative
The process of implementation of the quality improvement initiative which in this
case is the development of effective communication and teamwork among the healthcare
providers will be carried out in definite steps. The first step is communication with the
healthcare providers on the initiative and the importance of the implementation of the
initiatives. This is expected as well to help in the process of management of the patient
care conflict issues. The next step will be the training of staff on the process of
communications and enhancement of teamwork among the healthcare providers. This
will as well ensure that one is able to eliminate any doubts among the healthcare
providers who will be involved in the nursing process. This will be followed by the actual
implementation of the process.

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