How the IMS Aids in Order and Inventory Level Monitoring and Customer Satisfaction

How the IMS Aids in Order and Inventory Level Monitoring and Customer Satisfaction

One of the most important roles of Amazon’s IMS is inventory monitoring. The company keeps an eye on inventory levels in real time. Online shopping is one sign of the type of items that have been liberated from shops. Furthermore, the online shopping system assesses the likelihood of product turnover as well as their relative pricing. Customer feedback is one method through which the firm ensures that its customers are happy. Customer feedback is used by suppliers to improve product quality. Customers and suppliers are reminded by the IMS (Imran, 2014). The IMS assists in the creation of online filters and the delivery of real-time data about the company’s items to customers.

Because it is less expensive and improves higher-scale distribution, the Bit Torrent protocol interface is utilized for inventory control and general usage. The company also employs authentication measures to protect consumer data from unauthorized access. Amazon makes use of SOAP interests, and REST is meant to be interoperable with an Internet development tools, making it simple for clients to access the site (Franks, 2018).

Importance of Managing Information

For certain companies, such as Amazon, handling information is equally as crucial as moving things. For starters, MIS is critical for storing critical company data that aids in complicated management decision making (Imran, 2014). Critical information is maintained in an organized manner, and the firm can readily retrieve such data. Furthermore, data management aids in trend analysis, forecasting, and strategic planning. Information management is critical for forecasting and strategic planning since the information supplied in MIS reports based on current data analysis is useful in establishing Amazon’s future goals.

Another advantage of data management is that it allows you to improve efficiency, security, and compare business performance (Franks, 2018). To avoid legal action and damage to the client base, all essential information must be kept safe. The present performance of the company is depicted in MIS reports. Furthermore, present performance may be compared to previous outcomes as well as those of the corporation’s rivals.


Businesses now rely on information technology, and Amazon recognizes the importance of information technology. Amazon is attempting to replace human labor with robots in its warehouses in order to complete the work more efficiently (Dastin, 2019). Furthermore, Amazon Go stores implement cashier-less technology. On the other hand, these processes may provide difficulties for Amazon since thousands of people may be laid off, and Amazon may be chastised and requested for compensation.

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