How Ought Christians Think about Sickness and Health? How should a Christian Think about Medical Intervention? What Should Mike as a Christian do? How should he Reason about Trusting God and Treating James?


There exist significant differences in the way in which Christians and physicians view or understand a disease. For healthcare providers, a disease arises from a change in the normal physiological processes in the body. However, this view might be different according to religion. For example, it can be seen from the case study that Mike and Joanne are strong believers of Christianity. They believe that everything that happens in their lives is attributed to God. According to some Christians, a disease is a symbol of God’s test of their faith or believes. They consider that a disease is something that God sent to them to know if they have strong faith in him. The best approach to an illness to such Christians is holding to a belief that the disease will heal by itself once God is through testing them. God is therefore the healer. Some Christians also perceive a disease to be God’s punishment. According to them, God sends a disease to human beings as a way of showing his dissatisfaction with their behaviors. As a result, they must live in ways that align with God’s teachings for the disease to be healed. The last group of Christians perceives physicians or healthcare providers to be sent by God to help them manage their diseases. In this case, the healthcare providers assist God in promoting the health and wellbeing of his creations. Mike’s family perceives James’s condition as God’s test of his faith in him. Therefore, the strongly believe that God will heal him once he has finished testing their faith. PHI 413 Benchmark – Patient’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis Essay

It is therefore important that Christians consider medical interventions as part of the ways in which God’s efforts to promoting health and wellbeing are promoted. They should believe that medical interventions would enable them to see the doings of God through their recovery from the disease. Based on this, Mike should allow medical interventions to be utilized for the recovery and wellbeing of his son. He should have faith in God that the dialysis and kidney transplant will restore his son’s health. He should also consider the physician and other healthcare providers as part of the angels of God. Therefore, he should hold on the belief that God’s intentions will manifest through their medical interventions. Through this, Mike will be promoting beneficence and non-maleficence by ensuring that the safest care is given to his son. Furthermore, the decision will eliminate any future blames if medical interventions prove ineffective in promoting James’s recovery. PHI 413 Benchmark – Patient’s Spiritual Needs Case Analysis Essay

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