How Moving to Cloud would solve the Information Silo Problem at Colony Nursing and Landscaping


Colony Nursery and Landscaping encounters challenges because of a Silo Problem it has, and moving to Cloud Computing would help to enable information flow throughout the company and improve the operations. With cloud, the two branches of the company would be able to share information remotely and remove all the barriers that could lead to mismanagement or monopoly of information (Saed et al., 2018).

The biggest benefit would be the fact that these cloud services would be cost-effective and hence applicable for the organization.

How the ERP System and Awards Program would provide a Competitive Advantage for Colony Nursing and Landscaping

The ERP system would provide a competitive advantage for the company as it would offer the opportunity of automation of processes that would lead to less bulk operations. The use of integrated operations provided by the ERP system would also help the company to avoid the occurrence of problems such as information silos which could otherwise lead to a backlog in the growth of the company compared to its competitors (Jagoda & Samaranayake, 2017).

Most importantly, the system would help to save on costs of management which increases the ability of the company to gain a competitive advantage in most of its fields of operation.

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