How Leadership and Change Management Strategies Influenced the Development of the Proposed Intervention


The leadership and change management theories and practices heavily impact the

proposed intervention's creation. Leadership steered communication strategies with the

individual, their family, and other involved caregivers to ensure the treatment became

concentrated on the patient. In addition to defining the engagement mode, leadership steered the

adoption of interdisciplinary solutions to improve and assure the delivery of patient-centred care

of the highest quality. The formulation of the proposed intervention stayed informed by change

management theories and practices, which served as a road map for teaching other participants

and ensuring everyone adhered to the new hypertension treatment plan the team put in place.

How Nursing Ethics Informed the Development of the Proposed Intervention

The principles of nursing ethics were crucial in developing a successful treatment

strategy. Haddad and Geiger (2021) argue that nurses and other healthcare professionals benefit

from nursing ethics because it strengthens their moral convictions when making difficult 

By applying ethical principles, nurses may better serve their patients and respect the

standards of the healthcare industry. The patient was involved in developing their treatment plan

following nursing ethics. Per the principle of autonomy, each individual has the exclusive right to

make decisions regarding health care that are consistent with their values, regulations, and guides

(Haddad & Geiger, 2021). Mr. Brooks knows how hypertension affects him and what care he

needs to control it; therefore, he was essential to developing the intervention strategy. There was

no evaluation or compulsion on Mr. Brooks' part. Building a foundation of trust and

dependability between nurses and their patients was another essential aspect of nursing ethics.

According to Graf et al. (2020), the velocity principle linked to the autonomy principle inspired

the trust-building metric. It is essential to be honest and consider the patient's cultural

background if you want them to feel comfortable participating in the care planning process and

for the nurses to agree to implement the plan. In Mr. Brooks' case, it is essential to educate him

and his loved ones on how their cultural norms might impede or aid his treatment. This means

that nursing ethics are fundamental to providing quality healthcare management.

The Proposed Intervention

Determine to keep his BP at or below 130/80

Set aside 30 minutes for physical activity at least five days a week.

Make a pact to stick to a low-salt diet and maintain a healthy weight.

Set diet alarms to remind him to eat nutritious meals like low-fat dairy and fresh veggies

and steer clear of processed meats high in salt.

Make it a habit to check your blood pressure regularly and record the results in a chart

you can bring on your next hospital visit.

Follow your doctor's instructions for taking the prescribed blood pressure medicine

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