How Lack of Education About Teenage Pregnancy Social Determinant of Health in Florida is Predisposing Teenagers to Motherhood


Lack of education about teenage pregnancy and its impacts on victims is one of the predisposing factors for the early pregnancies. Undoubtedly, lack of knowledge about the effects of teenage births leads to unhealthy sexual behaviors increasing the number of teen pregnancies. According to Lawlor and Shaw (2002), lack of basic knowledge about the reproductive systems and the various aspects of growth and development in adolescents can be attributed to increased teen births. Undoubtedly, the contemporary era of information globalization and effective communication makes information access more easily so teenagers should be guided to consume the right information and understand the impacts of teen births on their future. At the same time, Adolescent Health Care Services (AHCS) have failed in providing sufficient community and school-based education about teenage pregnancies. Consequently, basic counseling skills should be provided to help girls understand the risks of early pregnancies to their education and competitiveness.

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