How has your understanding changed regarding analyzing client indicators of therapeutic, ineffective, adverse responses, and side effects to drug therapy?

therapeutic, it is important to continue the treatment. Similarly, if the TSH levels are subtherapeutic, then the treatment is ineffective, and the dosage needs to be adjusted. It is very important to educate the patient on the expected and adverse effects of the medicine. Likewise, suppose a patient on levothyroxine exhibits symptoms like palpitations, anxiety, and heat intolerance. In that case, these are not expected responses as the patient is showing signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism, the dosage of the levothyroxine needs to be reduced. Also, if a patient has multiple hypoglycemic events, which is the adverse effect of insulin, the dosage needs to be adjusted. Additionally, multiple repeated admission due to asthma exacerbation uses of more than one rescue inhaler in a month indicates the ineffectiveness of asthma management [ CITATION Ros211 \l 1033 ]. In addition, I have learned the importance of patient and family education on disease and medicine prescribed. If a patient understands the teaching, then it is easier to analyze the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of the medicine.

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