How Ethical Considerations Might Impact Treatment Plan and Communication with Families and the Client

Assessing and Treating Clients With Autism.



Autism or autism spectrum disease is a set of conditions that are characterized by challenges with speech and nonverbal communication, social skills, and repetitive behaviors. Autism is significantly associated with birth complications such as birth asphyxia and preterm labor. Epidemiologic studies show that 1 in every 55 children has autism in the United States. Several factors are associated with the development of the Autism spectrum diseases, however, there is a close association between poor birth outcome and this condition.Assessing and Treating Clients With Autism

Case Study Overview

This case involves an 8-year-old Caucasian female named Katie who was referred by her PCP for a psychiatric evaluation that would help to establish an autism diagnosis. The psychiatric assessment and evaluation prompted a diagnosis of autism with a predominantly inattentive presentation. Therefore, this paper discusses the psychopharmacological three-point decisions of managing Katie. It will also discuss the expected outcomes and actual outcomes of management at every decision point and the ethical considerations that may influence the treatment plan and communication with the client and family.Assessing and Treating Clients With Autism.

Decision #1

Decision selected

A differential diagnosis was made from the case study

Reason for Selecting This Decision

From the analysis of presenting symptoms, Katie is likely to be suffering from autism spectrum disease. According to Lord et al, (2020), autism or autism spectrum disease is a set of conditions that are characterized by challenges with speech and nonverbal communication, social skills, and repetitive behaviors. Assessing and Treating Clients With Autism.

Subjective and objective data from the case indicate that Katie is suffering from Autism spectrum diseases. From the subjective data, Katie has poor attention in class to challenging subjects but loves art and recess, her mind often wanders when others are attentive in class. According to her teacher, she inattentive, easily distracted, makes careless mistakes in her schoolwork, forgets things she already learned, is poor in spelling, reading, and arithmetic. Her attention span is short, pays attention to things that only interest her, and has poor interaction with the rest of the class members. Assessing and Treating Clients With Autism.Additionally, the perinatal history indicates that she is the first-born of elderly parents who had a low Apgar score at the fifth minute of life. The objective data shows a child who interrupts the interview and her parents are extra anxious during the session. Campisi et al, (2018), evaluation of these signs meet the diagnostic criteria for autism spectrum disease under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders fifth edition (DSM-5). Assessing and Treating Clients With Autism.

Expected outcome

The expected outcome is developing an effective plan for the management of this condition. This plan will enable Katie to improve her attention, increase social interactions, develop good memory, and improve academic performance, and her quality of life in general. According to Lord et al, (2020), treatment of autism involves symptomatic management to enhance stability. Therefore, behavioral therapies, family therapies are necessary to provide integration to real life. Pharmacologic therapy may be necessary to facilitate calmness and due to neurotransmitter imbalance that disrupts normal behaviors. Assessing and Treating Clients With Autism.

Difference between Expected Outcome and Actual Outcome

Katie is diagnosed with autism and a treatment plan is determined. This plan involves psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy. There is a significant response to this plan and Katie has started to improve immensely compared to the previous visit. The parents report reduced irritability and her attention has improved. Assessing and Treating Clients With Autism.

Decision # 2

Decision Selected

The use of Behavior and Communication Approaches

Reason for Selecting This Decision

Campisi et al, (2018), the treatment of autism do not have a specific plan, however, studies have shown that various interventions can be significant in the treatment of this disorder. For instance, Behavior and Communication Approac Assessing and Treating Clients With Autism.hes have helped reduce the symptoms. Autistic children have varying need

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