H​​​​​​​ow Does the HP2020 Objective Relate to Alma Ata’s Health for Global Initiatives?

ow Does the HP2020 Objective Relate to Alma Ata’s Health for Global Initiatives?

The 1978 Alma-Ata Declaration highlighted primary healthcare as the key to achieving the aim of Health for All. The following are the key issues that emerged from the declaration: health is a fundamental human right, and attainment of the highest possible level is a global social goal, the existing gross inequality in people’s health status between developed and developing countries is politically, socially, and economically unacceptable, primary healthcare is essential healthcare based on pragmatic, scientifically sound, and economically acceptable methods, and that an acceptable level of health for all people worldwide can be attained through a fuller and better use of worlds resources (Lindbloom, 2022).

The excerpt indicating that primary healthcare can be achieved through practical, scientifically sound, and economically acceptable methods and technology that are widely available to individuals and communities aligns with the HP2020 goal of improved quality of life, healthy development, and healthy behaviors across all lifespans. In line with the Alma-Ata Declaration, the goal calls on the combined efforts of healthcare professionals, patients, and the community as a whole to achieve the health goals.

Table 2

Behavioral Objectives (Including Domains), Content, and Strategies/Methods

Behavioral Objective and Domain Content Strategies/Methods
Community health volunteer/educator will project a presentation to the audience (affective domain) Definition of hypertension, risk factors, symptoms, and where to seek care Simple and clear information will be presented in slide form. After the presentation, there will be an opportunity for questions and answers.
Community members will actively participate in blood pressure measurements (psychomotor domain) Identification of a blood pressure machine and its parts, positioning of the patient, accurate placement of the cuff, and accurate reading Demonstrations
Congregants will be informed of various hypertension primary preventive strategies (cognitive domain) Themes include physical activity, healthy eating, salt intake, alcohol, cigarettes, and stress management. Brochures on a healthy diet, as well as AHA recommendations on a variety of cardiovascular range of physical exercises


Dietary books

Other print publications on the health implications of alcohol and smokes

A case study of a hypertensive patient will be read aloud, and congregants will be prompted to mention the patient’s health problems. Case study reading


Identification of the patient’s concerns in the case study

Justification for the patient’s medical condition

Understanding how to assist the patient (where to refer, where to seek help)

Group discussion


Hypertension content will be delivered utilizing a PowerPoint presentation in clear, abstract, and basic language. Brochures on different hypertension topics will also be distributed. Furthermore, the attendees will see blood pressure measurement videos and participate in a real-time simulation of how to take blood pressure. Moreover, after the session, the congregation will join in a discussion to ask and answer questions, unravel a case scenario, and make further recommendations on additional support necessary for the patient in the case study.

Planned Evaluation of Objectives

Implementing a structured questionnaire for each objective aids in assessing what the participants have gained from the program. End-of-session questions such as “What blood pressure cut-offs are crucial in the diagnosis of hypertension?” or “Name the risk factors of hypertension” will be useful in evaluating the first objective. To evaluate the second objective, determine how many attendees were present, how many engaged in blood pressure screening, and how many of those who participated had hypertensive blood pressure ranges. The third goal is to educate participants about preventative techniques and to assess this, a questionnaire will be

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