How does the focus of research and evidence-based practice (EBP) differ? Discuss the application of research findings into evidence-based nursing practice.

The nursing profession is driven by research and evidence-based practices. Research differs from evidence-based practices as it involves a strategic method of finding solutions to common problems in the nursing profession (Lum & Koper, 2017). In addition, research ensures that findings are developed regarding the problems and offers ideas for evidence-based practices. EBPs then incorporate the findings of research into nursing practice. However, EBPs incorporate the most effective and safe findings from research into solving the problems in nursing practice (Lum & Koper, 2017). Advance practice nursing relies heavily on research and evidence-based practice.

In nursing care, the major objectives are to deliver cost-effective health care and high-quality through careful integration of the best scientific findings from patient preferences and clinical competence and requirements. Thus, evidence-based practices tend to combine a problem-solving paradigm of research to develop cost-effective, sound, and effective practices that improve the clinical and administrative challenges by integrating the best clinical practices into nursing care. Thus, improving the general patient outcomes (Lum & Koper, 2017). EBPs translate research findings into nursing practice, improve the effectiveness of treatment approaches in practice and improve integration of traditional practice into nursing care practice. Also, at the same time, it ensures that it has impacted practice development by improving practice and translating knowledge into practice. Through the use of tools such as PICO or PICOT, Evidence-Based Practice assesses the Institutional Review Board procedure concerning the intended project and the amount of risk, rewards, confidentiality, generalizability, and publication plans (Lum & Koper, 2017).

Research explores and discovers solutions to practice problems. Thus, research findings offer the principles of EBPs. EBPs use the knowledge of research findings, investigate them, test them, and ensure that it is efficacious and beneficial to the patient without any harm before implementing them into EBPs (Jolley, 2020). Thus, research forms the basis for EBPs by solving nursing problems. In nursing care, advocacy ensures that problems evident in nursing practice are solved through comprehensive research. The research goal is to answer the research question, test the hypothesis, describe, explain, forecast, explore, and discover, but the goal of research on practice is to develop new information for practice and add to the professional literature. Institutional Review Board is evaluated in conjunction with other research methodologies such as Scientific Method (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2021). Methods for answering the research question/hypothesis Data interpretation and practice consequences Qualitative and quantitative research and dissemination of findings. A three-year study studying symptom clusters in patients with congestive heart failure is an example of a research project. Evidence-Based Practice and Research are comparable in that they begin with data analysis, have a defined methodology, commit a team to success, add to knowledge, and assess results (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 2021). However, there are differences in organization, methods, intent, goals, and data requirements. Evidence-Based Practice is a research-based approach to finding and applying the best clinical evidence to patient-centered care decisions that reflect high-quality care. I will ensure that I use the stance of EBPs to ensure improvements in practice guidelines and necessitate patient outcome improvements.

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