How could you contribute to an interprofessional team and patient outcomes through nursing actions of: compassion, advocacy, resilience, and evidence-based practice? Select one scholarly nursing article from CINAHL as a resource for your paper.


Resilience refers to ability to face adversity or challenging situations and still remain
hopeful of better future. The acute cardiac care unit requires a high level of resilient
interprofessional team. A nurse action that contributes to resilience is embracing trust and
ensuring high commitment to roles. A nurse can ensure resilience by maintaining supportive
social network, cultivating optimism, remaining flexible to changes, and paying attention to own
needs. In this case, a resilient interprofessional team will avoid stress and work burnout (Nissim,
Coleman, Malfitano, Rodin & Elliott, 2019, p 32). Resilience contributes to job commitment and
positive work culture at the unit. Resilience entails life-long learning and nurses acquire skills
relevant in adapting to a changing work environment. In this case, resilience fosters better and
quality acute cardiac nursing care due to the ability to overcome challenges. Resilience reduces
work burnout and adverse effects of job fatigue thus leading to job satisfaction.

Evidence-Based Practice

Evidence-based practice incorporates research, expertise, and patient preferences in
determining course of action in nursing care delivery. An interprofessional nursing action for
EBP is using latest evidence in nursing care delivery and engaging in team learning. The team
will learn through sharing stories and past experiences in nursing acute cardiac patients to
maintain the safety of the pain management interventions. The nursing action will facilitate a
comparison of clinical practice with emerging facts such as checking boxes for new medications
before they are administered to the patient (Plaff & Markaki, 2017, p 65). EBP facilitates a
learning culture since nursing interventions implemented by the team are cross-checked for their
effectiveness, reliability, and validity in alleviating patient pain. Accordingly, the nursing action
and EBP will enhance delivery of quality nursing care by fostering nursing research and ensuring

the team is updated on new facts regarding pain management in acute cardiac unit (Plaff &
Markaki, 2017, p 65).


Interprofessional team ensures collaboration, effective communication, and shared
decision making by the healthcare workers in addressing the nursing needs of patients in acute
cardiac unit. Interprofessional team fosters better patient outcomes by reducing medical errors,
ensuring proper care coordination, and faster response to changing patient symptoms.
Compassion is useful in addressing emotional needs of patients experiencing pain while
advocacy ensures ethical nursing practice that advances the unique patient interests and respect
for human dignity. In addition, resilience facilitates commitment and reduction of nurse stress
while EBP leads to positive patient outcomes. The identified nursing actions can implement
iCARE process of care in acute cardiac unit and assist in effective pain management and
facilitate better patient outcomes and organizational culture.

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