How computer technology can be used to promote interdisciplinary communication among healthcare providers


As emphasized above, the focus on interdisciplinary collaboration has been the priority in the nursing industry for a significant period. The focus on cooperation between experts in different areas of healthcare and nursing amplifies the range of opportunities for diagnosing a health issue correctly, determining the correct treatment, and administering it to a patient properly. In turn, innovative technology can assist in the specified task to a substantial degree. For example, the application of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) tools will encourage communication between experts belonging to different fields, as well as a variety of areas of nursing (Bush t al., 2018). As a result, defining the exact nature of a specific health issue will become possible, and treatment strategies are bound to become more effective.

The inclusion of EHR into the healthcare system will lead to an increase in accessibility to patient data. The described change is instrumental in effective interdisciplinary communication since nurses will not have to spend a large portion of their time sharing clinical details of patients’ records and worrying that a specific fact may be accidentally omitted during the information transfer. The creation of an EHR-based framework within a healthcare facility allows for a smooth transfer of data, thus making communication between providers more effective.

Moreover, the inclusion of EHR into the healthcare context has helped to integrate every single fact into the analysis of a patient’s current condition, thus defining the factors that may have caused specific changes in the patient’s health status. As a result, nurses can perform a comprehensive assessment of a patient. Thus, a more detailed and nuanced discussion of a patient’s condition, further treatment options, and methods of administering the said treatment will be available. Overall, the creation of the EHR framework has contributed massively to the increase in interdisciplinary collaboration between nurses.

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