How an Organization’s Needs and Healthcare Culture Influence Organizational Outcomes

The Purpose of an Organization’s Values, Vision, and Mission

A mission statement communicates an institution’s reason of being and how it intends to serve its major stakeholders (consumers, investors, and employees) (Rubino et al., 2018). An organization’s mission statement serves as the starting point of its goal setting and strategic planning procedure. It ensures that an institution’s external and internal stakeholders comprehend what the organization is trying to accomplish.

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A vision statement is a future-oriented declaration of an enterprise’s aspirations and purpose. Vision statements are typically time-bound, with projections of between five to ten years (Rubino et al., 2018). An organization’s strategy must flow directly from its vision because the strategy is intended to help it achieve its vision and ultimately satisfy the enterprise’s mission.

Value statements define an institution’s fundamental ideals, principles, and philosophy; they establish the ethical tone for an organization. They are declarations regarding how the organization intends to value its consumers and suppliers and be valued within its internal community. Value statements explicitly elucidate how employees interact within the enterprise (Ginter et al., 2018).

Mission, Vision, and Values’ Significance for Patient Outcomes and Nurse Engagement

First, well-developed organizational mission, vision, and values improves organizational alignment, which, in turn, promotes employee engagement and positive patient outcomes (Kang et al., 2020). When a healthcare organization’s nursing workforce is wholly aligned with its mission and vision and essential processes implemented to reinforce this alignment, patient experience, clinical outcomes, and nurse engagement are increased significantly (Van Bujtene & Foster, 2019). Second, aligning nurses with an institution’s mission and vision promotes resilience, which ultimately counters disengagement and poor health outcomes.

Third, an organization’s mission, vision, and values are crucial in minimizing workplace conflicts by defining critical organizational components. This, in turn, provides a clear focus, reduces disagreements, and enhances collaboration among nurses, that ultimately improves care delivery and patient outcomes (Ginter et al., 2018). Lastly, these components provide nurses with a practical decision-making framework by delineating crucial organizational ideals; this, in turn, helps minimize potential errors during care delivery, thereby promoting better patient outcomes and minimal disagreements during practice.

Factors that Lead to Conflict in Professional Practice

Competition for limited resources

If resources, including supplies, space, office services, and budget funds, are scarce, competition between departments or workers for limited resources may arise and trigger significant conflict levels (Ginter et al., 2018).

Communication breakdowns

Communication is a complex procedure, and barriers to its efficacy can provoke conflict. Whenever the two-way communication between an organization’s employees and the top management is hampered, misunderstandings are likely to emerge. Inadequate communication hinders effective coordination of activities and efforts.

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Personality clashes

People have varying perceptions and values regarding several issues. Whenever different parties are autocratic and dogmatic (closed-minded), they are likely to disagree and cannot find common ground for mutual agreement (Ginter et al., 2018). Values and needs cherished by individuals with a desire for autonomy will always conflict with an autocratic or authoritarian leader’s management style.

Overlapping Jurisdictions

Unclear job boundaries typically create rivalry or competition for control and resources. Lack of clarity regarding the range or boundary of duties and power may trigger overlapping responsibility, causing conflict t

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