Hotel IT Solutions: Defeating Coronavirus Pandemic Background


The global Coronavirus pandemic has halted several industries, including hotels. The precautionary measure to observe social distancing has been widely used to stop the virus from spreading from one person to another. This approach means that there is no more movement to social places, visiting restaurants, and pubs, to name a few. It has been devastating for hospitality industries, such as hotels. Even though the governments have instituted these precautionary measures to curb the disease from killing people, the customers are expected to continue being cautious when socialising with others. Therefore, adverse effects are projected to continue at the end of the virus problem. Hotels should remain relevant by continuing to serve people by using automation methods to increase sales and reach out to their customers. IT solutions can help in mitigating this issue, and it can be instituted by coordinating kitchen operations, management, clients, and employees. Furthermore, Artificial intelligence can also be used to do most activities in the kitchen.

Integrated IT solutions can help operate most hotels and ensure constant revenue. Most organizations should, therefore regroup and strategize better methods of running their premises so as to ensure continuous financial flow. These solutions still could be used after the virus problem has disappeared. IT solutions will improve communication in the business. For example, skypes, instant messaging, and using video to the conference will ensure that management and employees can coordinate the work process even when they are located remotely. Several obstacles will be eliminated, and the running of the enterprise can be made easy. Efficiency is another merit that IT solutions will achieve. Coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc in the hospitality industry by reducing the influx of customers, a problem that can be sorted by now reaching them to their homes. Online ordering can then be instituted so that consumers can buy online and have their food delivered to them at home. It is even convenient for clients. This method will not only improve the efficiency during the virus problem, but also more consumers will be reached even when the pandemic has ended.

Protecting the business is another issue that comes into question during the Coronavirus pandemic as most industries are predisposed to cyberattacks danger. IT solutions that will ensure that security is paramount will protect most automation introduced in the industry. Once the businesses begin to operate online, most assets will be kept in the cloud, a method that is vulnerable to hackers if not guarded adequately. Moreover, securing the hotel industries will enhance the workers’ zeal for technology – a trait that will span beyond the Coronavirus pandemic. Currently, most companies automate their operations in order to go global. However, hotels are still dependent on the physical availability of the clients. This pandemic has, however, changed people’s attitudes because now they cannot access the hotel premises. Several precautionary measures promote this project, including lockdown, curfew, self-quarantine, and social distancing, among others. People cannot normally interact as before, and that is the benchmark for making operational alterations.

Engaging employees and coordinating the work process is another area that can be addressed by IT solutions. With automation, most restaurants and hotels can reach their workers easily and address their problems. This process is possible through using video conferencing techniques, Skype, and Zoom, among others. Limitations will be reduced, and several customers can be reached more than it was before the Coronavirus pandemic. Flexibility in performing tasks is also encouraged because workers will be able to communicate seamlessly regardless of their location. Improving service delivery is an essential aspect of every business, and IT solutions will promote it.

Proposed Solutions

WebsiteOnline ordering

Description and Design. Now, most people have internet-enabled phones. Therefore, it is easy to reach people online. Developing websites is the first technological solution to reach several customers, both in the neighbourhood, as well as those a bit far away. Creating a site that is responsive to any screen solution and size, otherwise known as responsive web development, is a certain way of reaching many customers (Iskandar & Adhayani, 2018). This method helps in developing sites that are unique and comfortable. Any person can use them, and they are accessible via any device. In the process, it is pragmatic to use simple methods and prioritize the content so as to enable accessibility to people of different ages. Poorly designed websites can easily discourage impatient clients because they will have to scr

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