Homeostasis and Pain Management in the Elderly Population

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Multisystem Failure in the Elderly Population The nursing care given to patients with multisystem failure needs a closer observation that is complex, which determines the decision for treatment and medication. This brings in the need for immediate assessment of the patient’s homeostasis, oxygenation and pain level. This would also be appropriate in the case of Mrs. Becker, 73 years old who has multisystem failure. Key Immediate Assessment Important nursing assessment that would be immediate on Mrs. Baker would involve finger oximeter readings and assessing the pain level. Immediate response to her condition would require supplementing oxygen to resolve and stabilize her breathing difficulties and control pain. Other assessment will include; lab findings, arterial blood gases, chest x-ray and electrocardiogram. Lab work would involve blood count, urinalysis and a comprehensive metabolic panel. Blood count determines the level of hemoglobin and hematocrit that has the effect of determining the capacity of oxygen supplied in the blood. Lower level of hemoglobin and hematocrit decreases oxygen level in the blood. Assessing the white blood cell count would determine if Mrs. Baker has any infection risk. If the count was high, it would indicate an infection in her body and a lower platelet count would imply that she could be at a risk for bleeding. A comprehensive metabolic panel would outline the electrolyte imbalances in the body fluid. Imbalances in the body fluid would result to cardiac arrhythmias. Higher or lower sodium levels in the body fluid would result to variations in the intravascular fluid; lower levels of the sodium ions in the body fluid could be the reason for Mrs. Baker’s confusion. A level of glucose in the blood from the comprehensive metabolic panel with extremely lower or higher levels of glucose explain her diabetic condition which in most cases could aggravate confusion and coma. Renal dysfunction is determined from the comprehensive metabolic panel, high levels of nitrogen in the compound urea or high liver enzymes indicate a reduced hepatic function. Functionality of the kidney and hydration level can be determined from urinary analysis or it can indicate presence infection on the urinary tract. Mrs. Baker’s cardiac status analysis is important to check the effectiveness of blood supply. Electrocardiogram finds out if there could be arrhythmias, if arrhythmia is present then there would be disturbances in the circulation of oxygen in the blood hence hindering effective performance of body tissues. It would be important to take a chest X-ray to find out whether there is any respiratory problem like pneumonia, pulmonary embolism atelectasis or pleural effusion. Technological Tools for Assessment Technological tools used by the nurse to assess Mrs. Baker would be electronic vital sign machine, electrocardiogram machine, pulse oximeter and digital thermometer. Her blood pressure and pulse rate would be measured using electronic vital sign machine; it is necessary to determine her hemodynamic status. A high blood pressure that is extremely high, would be a sign that she could be experiencing pain and she could experience stroke or she could suffer from cardiovascular disorders. On the other hand, if her blood pressure was low it would mean that she could suffer from shock, low blood volume and cardiovascular problems. Pulse oximeter would determine the amount of oxygen circulated in the blood system. If the reading of the oximeter is lower than normal, it indicates that the blood does not supply enough oxygen for effective tissue functioning and balanced homeostasis. If the pulse oximetry is less than 90%, it is an indication that the pulmonary system could be impaired or the cardiovascular functioning would require oxygen supplements. A digital thermometer would take her body temperature to establish whether she has any infection, indicated by a higher temperature level. Electrocardiogram would determine whether Mrs. Baker has any problems with her cardiac system, which majorly impact the heart functioning or rather the amount of oxygen supplied in the blood. A portable EKG machine provides the electrocardiogram that obtains electrical impulses sent from the expansion and contraction of the heart. Taking an X-ray would be necessary; a portable X- ray tool with a film plate placed behind her back would take the X- ray from the front towards the back. Analyzing the X-ray results would determine whether there could be bronchus blockage that could be causing her breathing difficulties. Data Collection Collecting data in Mrs. Baker’s situation needs prioritizing done in an emergency manner whereby the ABC principle to aid airway management, facilitate breathing and probably prevent hypoxia would be first. Oxygen supplementation, air suctioning and support aids in bringing back a balanced homeostatic functioning would then be

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