HIV: Overview of the Clinical Manifestations of Infection and Symptoms and Known Cases of Complete Cure Essay



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The human immunodeficiency virus, HIV, is a non-cellular form of organization, showing the properties of living systems when penetrating the body. The virus has a spherical structure: inside the shell, there are two strands of RNA and enzymes. By joining the CD4 receptors of T-lymphocytes, HIV injects its genome into the host’s DNA, which provokes the synthesis of new viral particles. The virus produces a progressive infection that actively suppresses immunity: if a patient does not take therapy, they will develop AIDS.



The approved article discusses the morphology, genomics, clinic, and pathophysiology of HIV. The information includes detailed information about the molecular structure of the virus, the form of the genome, and the mechanism of self-reproduction within a targeting cell (German Advisory Committee Blood, 2016). Moreover, the article discusses the clinical manifestations of infection and symptoms and offers several solutions to save a patient’s life. It also describes antiretroviral therapy and provides a list of medications. The authors of the article show the virus’s epidemiology, routes of transmission, and known cases of complete cure.

Classification of Microorganism

Taking into account the peculiarity of the pathogen, which was selected and approved for the task, this paragraph is not quite correct to name the classification of microorganisms because the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, HIV, is not an organism. Traditional biology systematically classifies viruses, including HIV, as transitional forms of life organization, since outside the host organism, the virus cannot grow and multiply independently, staying in anabiotic form. However, as soon as the virus gets into the cell, it triggers self-reproduction mechanisms and shows signs of living one. Among the large variety of subgroups of viruses, HIV belongs to the retrovirus type (Retroviridae), which has RNA as genetic material and affects mostly vertebrates. Furthermore, the unique ability to deliver large amounts of RNA to the target cell and the capacity to activate replication in envisioned cells determine whether HIV belongs to the lentivirus genus that has a long incubation period.

Structural Characteristics

The morphological structure of HIV resembles a sphere with an effective diameter of about 100-120 nanometers. This form of the virus is caused by a two-layer phospholipid shell with 72 glycoprotein (Env) complexes on its surface that actively bind to CD4-receptors of human cells T-lymphocytes. Inside the envelope, the virus has a protein capsid with a cylindrical or cone-like structure that contains central molecules. Thus, in the core of HIV, there are two single-stranded RNA fibers, internal proteins, the enzymes of reverse transcriptase and endonuclease, which allow for cutting the DNA of the host cell. It should be noted that the virus genome is represented by 9200-9600 nucleotides, with the ends of the genome represented by long repetitions controlling the synthesis of new viral particles.

Susceptibility to Antiviral

Although HIV shows resistance to antibiotics due to the viral origin of the particle, it is susceptible to destruction by certain antiviral drugs, on which the therapy for HIV-positive patients is based. Antiretroviral therapy significantly slows down disease progression by preventing viral replication and thus reducing the concentration of viral RNA in the patient’s blood. The specific mechanisms of the drugs’ action are reduced to inhibiting the activity of reverse transcriptase (Abacavir, Tenofovir), destroying the viral protease (Amprenavir), and preventing the effective connection of glycoprotein virus growths with CD4 lymphocyte receptors (Dolutegravir, Enfuvirtide).

Growth Conditions

Perhaps, the central growth factors for HIV are the presence of T-lymphocytes in the body and the ability to bind to cell CD4-receptors actively. Without these components, a virus particle, even if penetrated into the body, dies under the influence of immunity and biological enzymatic fluids. It should be understood that as soon as new virus particles have matured inside an infected cell, they break out into the bloodstream, where they have only a few hours to infect new cells. At this stage, the immune response of the body plays a decisive role in the development of the virus: if macrophages and lymphocytes cannot provide adequate protection, then HIV infects most blood cells in different organs. Under laboratory conditions, the virus dies almost instantly by boiling, in a highly concentrated water-alcoholic essence, or by disinfectants. The acceptable ambient temperature at which the virus can still survive outside the body should not exceed 39 degrees Fahrenheit, wh

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