Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation  The Effects of Affordable Care Act(ACA) on Diabetes Biomarkers

Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation  


The Effects of Affordable Care Act(ACA) on Diabetes Biomarkers



The Affordable Care Act main aim was to extend insurance coverage to uninsured America by expanding private and public insurance. The insurance policy is aimed at advocating for the employer to cover their workers except for small employers in paying penalties. The implementation of the Affordable Care Act has led to greater improvements in diabetes-related biomarkers by facilitating appropriate care to the biomarkers.

How was the success of the program or policy measured?  


The success of determining the effect of the Affordable Care Act was measured by the use of electronic health record data based on the retrospective observational cohort study based on 178 communities’ health centers. The main focus was on comparing the newly insured and continuously insured patients based on the pre to post Affordable Care Act. The primary outcomes were based on the change of 24 months of pre and post ACA in diastolic blood pressure, glycosylated hemoglobin, systolic and LDL cholesterol levels.


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How many people were reached by the program or policy selected? How much of an impact was realized with the program or policy selected?  


The people that were reached ranged between the ages of 19 to 64 years who had been diagnosed with diabetes when Medicaid expansion was modified to the use of ACA. The program was inclusive of all genders and intended at determining the change that has been influenced since the adoption of the Affordable Care Act based on a patient with diabetes biomarkers.

The impact that was realized includes that the newly insured patients exhibited a reduction in the glycosylated hemoglobin which was different for a patient with continuous uninsured patients.

Additionally, newly insured patients identified a reduction based on the systolic as compared to the continuously uninsured patients.

What data was used to conduct the program or policy evaluation?  


The data used to determine the effect of the Affordable Care Act on the patient with diabetes biomarkers was obtained from the electronic health record. The electronic health record provided data for 10 states that expanded Medicaid on 1 st January 2014.

What specific The specific information on unintended consequences that were identified is that the newly insured patients


experienced a greater increase in diabetes-related biomarkers as compared to the continuously uninsured




information on unintended consequences was identified? patients. The improvement was attributed to the appropriate diabetes care that came as a result of acquiring Affordable Care Act-based diabetes-related biomarkers.
What stakeholders were identified in the evaluation of the program or policy?


Who would benefit most from the results and reporting of the program or policy evaluation? Be specific and provide examples.

The stakeholders identified in the evaluation of the policy included the newly insured patient with diabetes biomarkers and the continuously uninsured. Those that benefited most from the evaluation are the newly insured patient by the Affordable Care Act. For instance, the newly insure patient receives appropriate diabetes care leading to an increase in diabetes-related biomarkers.
Did the program or policy meet the original intent and objectives? Why or why not? The program met the intended and the objective since it was easy to determine the effect of the Affordable Care Act on the patient with diabetes biomarkers.In the end, it was determined that it is important to adopt the use of the Affordable

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