Health Tech Trends and Risks "Post a brief description of general healthcare technology trends, particularly related to data/information you have observed in use in your healthcare organization or nursing practice

." The prevailing illustration of technological developments in healthcare is the implementation of electronic medical records (EMR). Electronic medical records facilitate gathering and evaluating data, thereby fostering long-term improvements in patient care and outcomes. An electronic medical record is a digital, secure, real-time patient documentation. The patient's cumulative medical information, including but not limited to vital medical history, sign trends, prescriptions, medication allergies, and procedures, is stored in a chart that is readily accessible to authorized personnel (, 2018c). Every patient's chart is stored on an electronic medical record (EMR) at my hospital. Staff from various departments and units can access the EMR simultaneously. Medical personnel can update the EMR with new information as the patient's care advances. Additionally, patients' records can be retrieved during subsequent visits. The medical records are readily accessible through a secure system login from the provider's office.

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