Health Promotion in Minority Populations Describe the ethnic minority group selected. Describe the current health status of this group. How do race and ethnicity influence health for this group?


Ethnicity has been described as a situation where a group of people originating from a specific area share a common culture, language, religion among other key characteristics of a population. The term ethnic minority describes a specific portion of a population in a given country having a different culture, religion, race and color among other characteristics. Ethnic minority maybe identified through various ways and practices including their mode of dressing, hairstyle, language, economic values and beliefs among other features (O’Neal et al., 2017) Health Promotion in Minority Populations Essay GCU. Most of these characteristics if not all act as risk factors to various diseases and health programs/policies. The Latinos are among the highest minority group in the United States. The Latino population is heterogeneous in nature, implying that it is composed of any person belonging to either Mexican, Cuban, Dominican, South/Central American, Puerto Rican or any other group of Spanish origin (Craig & Richeson, 2018). The life expectancy of the Latinos is significantly higher compared to other ethnic minorities, having recorded a life expectancy of 82.2 years in the year 2018 alone. Despite the high life expectancy, the mortality and morbidly rates are still higher in this population. Among the diseases impacting the high mortality and morbidity include; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, HIV/AIDs, diabetes, asthma, cancer, stroke, liver diseases and cardiovascular diseases (O’Neal et al., 2017). Their specific diet and lifestyle also contributes to their high rates of obesity, unintentional injuries and suicides compared to non-Latinos.

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