Health care planners could be more effective and efficient if they used the concept of the natural history of disease and the levels of prevention to design services that intervene at the weakest link in the chain of progression of specific diseases. Instead, most focus on high-technology solutions to preventable problems. Assess the characteristics of the medical care culture that encourage the latter approach.

Nature of the US health care system
Institution Affiliation

Natural history refers to the growth or development of a disease in the human body without a drug or any intentional intervention. Learning the natural history and progression of disease helps researchers within nursing understand the disease or condition better and have a clear idea of treating or managing it (Ninot, 2021). In addition, by understanding the disease process, drug manufacturing companies can also develop better medicines that help in quicker treatments will fewer adverse side effects. Medical research has dramatically changed in industrial and developing nations due to the introduction and assimilation of technology in medicine. The developed nations have invested in modern technology extensively, therefore, easier and faster to diagnose, treat and manage diseases and conditions than earlier in the 20th century. On the other hand, developing nations have had little exposure to technology in medical research and have minimal access to primary health care for their citizens.
The use of ultra-modern technology in biomedical research has been highly beneficial to the human race as discovering medicines and disease prevention remedies has happened at an unprecedented rate. With an exploding global population and constantly developing diseases and viruses that keep mutating, the need for technologically driven medical innovations is strong (World Health Organization [WHO], 2018). The use of technology is quick, safe, easy to implement, and ensures that patients, nurses, and their families achieve quality care. However, as Ninot (2021) argues, advanced technology in medicine has seen increases in research and treatment costs; there is a high cost of production, transportation, and storage of drugs, hence expensive to produce and quite costly for the patients. Some lifestyle changes, however, require slow and proper learning of the disease history.


Cancer is an example of a disease that has been in the world for a long time now. Its nature allows it to change form and mutate depending on what individuals are exposed to and how they manage themselves within the period in which cancer exists in the body. Learning the natural path of such a disease, in its different forms and states, allows medical research specialists to learn the areas considered weak links and construct their best approaches. This approach allows for a more accurate and patient-centered strategy in treating and preventing diseases in humans.
The characteristics that make the use of technology favorable compared to natural history are; speed, accessibility of places, economic reasons, and encouragement by government agencies on focused attention. Technological advancements have made it fast and speedy in the discovery of vaccines and drugs required in urgency. An example is a vaccine for Covid-19, which took less than a year to reach the trial phase, whereas, in previous times, it took approximately two to three years for a vaccine to be considered safe for use by humans. Its quickness in achieving required results has made it attractive to researchers and professionals within the medical field. Therefore, it is favored over the traditional method of learning the disease history.
With the world now interconnected and easy to access from almost any point, there has been the need to incorporate state-of-the-art technological machines and devices in disease treatment and research. Furthermore, viruses, infections, and diseases come from any part of the world and are easily transmitted through various travel and international meetings. This means that for there to be a reasonable control and monitoring of the development and spread of arising diseases, technology ought to be applied; through this, scientists can monitor the disease in real-time.
Through better and more robust, the global economy has grown more fragile due to the interconnectedness experience. Viruses and diseases can quickly develop, spread, and mutate to infect and kill large populations, thus, reducing the workforce. The impact of such an occurrence is detrimental to an economy, and it is essential that there be fast and reliable means of handling extreme cases of disease spread (WHO, 2018).
Through their policy frameworks, governments have encouraged the medical sectors in their respective countries to follow the path of application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the study, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases. This has proven as a significant influence on how medical research is carried out. Through this approach by the political sector, medics have favored the application of technology in learning about diseases and their processes more than the traditional course of learning the natural history of diseases.
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