Health Care Ethical Legal Conflict Case Study Essay Table of Contents (jump to) Introduction Choices in front of doctors Futuristic impact of the decisions in such situations Guidelines and code of conducts in medico-ethical conflicts Principals followed for such cases Implementation of guidelines and principals in current case

1. Introduction
In the present case study there is an ethico-legal arise when doctors have to perform treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by which Mr. Con is suffering but his son (who has the authority to decide on behalf of Mr. Con) is adamant on no treatment for COPD. An ethical concern is a condition or crisis that calls for an individual to choose among two alternatives. It is very important that the present day medical physicians have continuing ethico-legal education (Preston-Shoot, McKimm, Kong, & Smith, 2011).Health Care Ethical Legal Conflict Case Study Essay  Ethics is believed a standard of conduct and an idea of right and wrong beyond what the lawful consideration is in any particular situation. Moral assessments serve as a basis for ethical manner. Doctors have a legal responsibility to obey with the appropriate ethical and legal guidelines in their routine practice. Ignorance of regulation and its insinuations will be detrimental to the physician even though he takes care of the patient in good belief for the mitigation of the patient’s pain. In the present case study we are discussing the case of Mr. Con, who was suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and now in condition that he cannot make his own decision. His son is representing his case about whether Mr. Con should give treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or not. The whole discussion in this essay will be based on this kind of ethico-legal issue.Health Care Ethical Legal Conflict Case Study Essay

2. Choices in front of doctors
In this case doctors do not have any choice other than legal option because all acts that are done in fine spirit may not stand legal testing. There are various ethical legal issues which can come forward if doctors refuse to consider the decision of Mr. Con’s son and treatment the COPD. As Mr. Con is suffering from multiple ailments so there are less chances that Mr. Con will survive. According to present condition, doctors can be framed for unauthorized treatment, and if proved then for murder also. With the rising figure of cases filed by hurt patients looking for legal remedy from physicians and medical organizations, it is no longer a subject of choice, but a context-driven lawful consent and requirement for the physicians to be acquainted with essential legal concerns involved in health practice. Professionalism is a subjective idea that refers to doctor performance in the place of work and within his area, and how it makes other public look at you (Doyal, 1999).Health Care Ethical Legal Conflict Case Study Essay

Some actions that doctors would take in condition of Mr. Con can be ethical in the view of one group of experts might make look puny in the views of others. Considering the lawful and ethical consequences of doctor conduct will help to make a decision what heights of professionalism we want to uphold in different circumstances (Rogers & Ballantyne, 2010). Medical ethics is a very important part of health practice, and following ethical rules is a vital part of your occupation. Ethics deals with common principles of correct and incorrect, as opposed to obligations of law. A professional is anticipated to act in ways that reveal society’s thoughts of right and wrong, even if such conduct is not imposed by law. Often, though, the law is based on ethical concerns. In the present case physicians should think to treat Mr. Con for COPD despite of consent of his son.Health Care Ethical Legal Conflict Case Study Essay

Practicing suitable professional ethics has an optimistic impact on your repute and the accomplishment of your employer’s trade (PrestonShoot & McKimm, 2011). Many medical associations, therefore, have generated guidelines for the adequate and preferred modes and behaviors, or decorum, of medical assistants and doctors. The codes of medical ethics have expanded over time. The Hippocratic pledge, in which medical scholars pledge to perform medicine morally, was developed in olden Greece. It is still used these days and is one of the bases of contemporary medical ethics. The Code of Ethics of the American association of medical assistants (AAMA) shall set 4th principles of ethical and moral manner as they relate to the health profession and the specific practice of medical supporting (Iqbal & Hooper, 2013).Health Care Ethical Legal Conflict Case Study Essay

3. Guidelines and code of conducts in medico-ethical conflicts
There are various guidelines which doctors should follow in the case similar to the present case of Mr. Con. The doctors must cautiously follow every state and federal practice rules and regulations while performing this treatment. They must follow the Code of Ethics for medical subordinates. It is an important part of their duty to avoid misconduct claim—court case by the Mr. Con’s son in

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