Health Care Delivery Models and Nursing Practice 1000-1250 words 1.Outline a current or emerging health care law or federal regulation introduced within the last 5 years to reform or restructure some aspect of the health care delivery system. Describe the effect of this on nursing practice and the nurse's role and responsibility.

In this context, one of the recent measures that have been proposed to solve the problem is the Title VIII Nursing Workforce Reauthorization Act of 2019, which was passed in 2019. The purpose of this bill is to alter the Public Health Service Act in order to authorize grant programs that will assist the education and training of nurses for a period of five years. This is done in order to solve the problem of a shortage of nurses. This piece of legislation supports increased financing for nursing programs as well as money for advanced nursing programs. It is scheduled to go into effect between the years 2020 and 2024. This piece of legislation authorizes the following grants to be awarded annually over the course of the next five years: $78 million for advanced education nursing; $18 million for workforce diversity; $44 million for nurse education, practice, and quality; and $116 million for the individual student loan repayment program and scholarship programs. In addition to enhancing nursing education, practice, and employee retention, the reform is intended to encourage more students to enroll in nursing programs, which will lead to an increase in the size of the nursing labor force. Even though the law was only passed, its effects may already be seen in the nursing profession, particularly in terms of the tasks and obligations that nurses play. It is hoped that this would boost the availability of advanced nursing programs, which will in turn stimulate the provision of better and higher-quality nursing services, ultimately contributing to an improvement in the health of those who receive care in the United States. It is also envisaged that the variety and scope of nursing programs would grow as a result, assuring the creation of nurse graduates with advanced competences who are capable of managing advanced nursing tasks and responsibilities that were previously reserved for physicians and managers. It is anticipated that the loan payback scheme would reduce the load of financial responsibility that nurses face, so improving both their health and their attitude toward their work. By encouraging a greater number of students to pursue studies in nursing, these incentives are anticipated to contribute to the solution of the nationwide shortage of nurses and nurse

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