Global Healthcare Issues: Comparison Matrix on HIV/ AIDS between USA and South Africa Part 1: Comparison Table

Global Healthcare Issues: Comparison Matrix on HIV/ AIDS between USA and South Africa

Part 1: Comparison Table

Global Healthcare Issue  



Description HIV/ AIDS is an immunological illness that is managed by antiretroviral drugs. If not well managed it will eventually progress to full blown AIDS.
Country United States South Africa
Describe the policy in each country related to the identified healthcare issue The National HIV/AIDS Strategy focuses on preventing HIV/AIDS and providing assistance to those who are most susceptible (CDC, 2020). The program is based on consensual screening and the start of funded antiretroviral therapy, or ART, for people who are discovered to be contaminated (UNAIDS, 2016).
What are the strengths of this policy? It offers specialized assistance to the underprivileged, such as sex workers. Discounted antiretroviral drugs ensure that people live longer lives.
What are the weaknesses of this policy? The National HIV/AIDS Strategy focuses on HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment. There is no system in place to include these vulnerable communities, and more remains to be improved. ARV subsidies are contingent on external charity financing, which can be withdrawn at any moment.
Explain how the social determinants of health may impact the specified global health issue. (Be specific and provide examples) Lack of access to quality healthcare as a result of poor socioeconomic level is a major social determinant of health (SDOH) that has a significant impact on this issue. To some degree, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 remedied this (Donkin et al., 2017; Kominski et al., 2017). Low income levels, a lack of access to excellent healthcare services, low educational attainment, and bad living standards are the key SDOH influencing the problem in Africa.
How has each country’s government addressed cost, quality, and access to the selected global health issue? Obamacare (ACA 2010) targeted affordability and accessibility, while the pay-for-performance component of the ACA 2010 tackled performance (Kominski et al., 2017; Holmström, B. (2017). Donor financing has covered the cost of therapy in South Africa, allowing for discounted care. Nevertheless, due to a scarcity of competent healthcare professionals and even primary healthcare nurses, accessibility and performance remain important issues.
How has the identified health policy impacted the health of the global population? (Be specific and provide examples) HIV/AIDS has had an influence on the worldwide population’s health because it is now a worldwide occurrence due to the ease of travelling. As a result, regulations across governments must be consistent and complimentary. The effect on the worldwide population is that less sick people are on ARV medication, thus viral transmission remains concerning.
Describe the potential impact of the identified health policy on the role of nurse in each country. The regulation has an effect on the functioning of the nurse in that it requires them to participate in more prevention measures, such as teaching, rather than medication. Thus according regulation, the responsibility of the nurse in South Africa is to educate the population about being screened and starting ART for those who screened positive. Prevention education is also one of the nurse’s tasks.
Explain how global health issues impact local healthcare organizations and policies in both countries. (Be specific and provide examples) HIV/AIDS is a global health concern that has an effect on local policies since World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations must be customized. The optimum ARV mixes, for example, vary as per the strains isolated. The WHO establishes management standards, which influence local legislation. For instance, the recommended ARV drug mix is based on local strain sensitivity.
General Notes/Comments Regardless of the existence of the ACA 2010, much work remains to be done in the United States to cover all vulnerable members of society. An important weakn

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