Global Healthcare Comparison Sample Paper Global Health Comparison

Global Healthcare Comparison Sample Paper

Global Health Comparison


            During the pandemic year, several countries, including the United States took strict measures to stop the spread of the virus. Public gatherings were banned and religious institutions were highly targeted when the interventions were recommended. On roll call vote 117th Congress-1st session, S. Amdt. 1425 was introduced and sponsored by Senator Lee Mike on 04/14/2021 and proposed on 04/22/2021 (Congress.Gov., 2021). The amendment under Section 3 focuses on religious restrictions during the COVID-19 period. Its rationale is to justify why religious institutions remain inaccessible to the public, yet most commercial enterprises remain open as COVID-19 continues spreading. In Mexico, non-essential gatherings have been banned and even meetings in private enterprises stopped as critical public health measures to stop putting unnecessary risk on people. The extended ban is non-negotiable and even street markets are prohibited from operating, yet some American Senate members condemn the restrictions Global Healthcare Comparison Sample Paper.


The bill’s purpose is to necessitate the production of a report on State restrictions on the freedom of religious congregation during the COVID-19 pandemic period.


163 Senators voted on April 22, 2021 but could not pass the bill with a popular majority of 3/5 or more. The result was that the amendment was rejected. Still, legislatures seek a comprehensive report on which occasioned the decision made through the popular majority in the Congress.


Part 1: Legislation Grid

Global Healthcare Issue  



Description Sec. 3. “Report on religious restrictions during the COVID–19 pandemic” intends to limit restraints on religious freedom during the pandemic year. 49 votes cast were YEAs, 48 counts were NAYs and 3 never voted (Congress.Gov., 2021). New York, New Jersey, Louisiana, Ohio, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Mexico, Mississippi, North Carolina, Arizona, Tennessee, Texas, Colorado, Florida, Pennsylvania, Arkansas, Indiana, and South Carolina opposed the bill believing that as long as congregants follow CDC guidelines and set World Health Organization protocols (Siddiqi, Graves-Fitzsimmons, & Gonzalez, 2020). The bill targets all countries, not only the United States. The bill was rejected by the popular majority Global Healthcare Comparison Sample Paper.
Country United States



Describe the policy in each country related to the identified healthcare issue Following an upsurge in COVID-19 cases, the United States decided to ban all physical religious gatherings. The rationale was to reduce the spread of the virus by maintaining social distancing. Mexican legislatures unanimously agreed on the need to put strict health care or law enforcement to flatten the curve. The religious restrictions or sanctions extend to streets and private spaces to limit or stop COVID-19 spread (“The Associated Press,” 2020).
What are the strengths of this policy?
  • Limits the spread of the virus.
  • Creates enough time for people to take advantage of technology in congregating.
  • Speeds up the process of flattening the curve.
  • Helps in keeping Mexicans accountable.
  • Assists with flattening the curve.
What are the weaknesses of this policy?
  • Opponents and proponents are almost the same population but the former has more power.
  • Mexico is a Catholic country that is highly religious. Restrictions affect their freedom and ability to enjoy their faith.
Explain how the social determinants of health may impact the specified global health issue. (Be specific and provide examples)



  • Assembling and socializing affect social distancing and congregating in church increases the rates of COVID-19 transmissions.
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