Global Health Comparison Grid Template  The emergence of coronavirus disease of 2019

Global Health Comparison Grid Template 


The emergence of coronavirus disease of 2019 and the subsequent declaration by the World Health Organization as a public health concern caused a lot of panic, anxiety and restrictive practices and measures to control its spread and lethal effects. Over 300 million people have been infected by the virus so far with over 4.5 million dead. The U.S. leads in the number of deaths and infections. Efforts to contain the COVID-19 pandemic include vaccination of at high risk populations and individuals (WHO, 2021). Many countries, including the United States, do not have vaccine policies and this has affected intake of the jabs that were rolled out nearly a year ago. The purpose of this comparison matrix is to evaluate vaccination policies in the United States and Mexico, especially in relation to COVID-19 as recommended by the World Health Organization for countries to get a herd immunity and stop and prevent the spreads.  


Global Healthcare Issue   


Immunization/ Vaccination  for COVID-19 

Description  The international or global perspective on vaccines and immunization has always differed from one nation to another. The World Health Organization has always encouraged and implored its member states to embrace vaccines and immunizations as means of preventing infectious diseases and reducing their adverse effects if contracted. Vaccination for COVID-19 remains a global issue as the world focuses on stopping the spread of the infectious disease first detected in a wet Chinese market.  
Country  United States 



Describe the policy in each country related to the identified healthcare issue  While no federal policy exists on vaccinations in the country, with each state having its own requirements for children getting into public schools, the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated several mandates at all levels of government (CMS, 2021). Policies by the federal government include latest revised ones requiring employees to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 disease.   In Mexico, no mandatory COVID-19 vaccine policies exist but efforts focus on ensuring that more individuals get the jab. Like the U.S. the country has no vaccine policies, except for children enrolling in schools.  
What are the strengths of this policy?  All states allow exemptions from vaccines on medical grounds while 45 allow on religious reasons. Another 15 states exempt people from vaccines on philosophical or personal beliefs. Subsequently, the rollout of COVID-19 jab also follows these guidelines with some states relaxing vaccination mandates and requirements (CMS, 2021).   Mexico allows exemption from vaccination on religious and medical grounds. However, personal reasons cannot enable one to get exemption from vaccination (Jimenez & Gandy, 2021). The country’s efforts to vaccine against COVID-19 follows these trends as it is not mandatory.  
What are the weaknesses of this policy?  Individuals and parents continue to express concerns about the number of vaccines that one should get apart from the COVID-19 jabs. The safety of these vaccines remains an issue of concern (The White House, 2021b). The population requires effective education to understand the impact of the vaccines.   Vaccine-preventable diseases account for significant mortality and morbidity in developing nations like Mexico. The enforcement of increased vaccination against infectious diseases and even COVID-19 remains a challenge due to funding and infrastructural challenges (2020).  
Explain how the social determinants of health may impact the specified global health issue. (Be specific and provide examples)  Social determinants of health impact routine immunization for children; especially among lo-income populations. For instance too reduce mortality and morbidity associated with vaccinations, the needs of different populations must be met, especially access to better living conditions and information.  Immunization obstacles reduce the rates of vaccination. For instance, lack of awareness on the importance of COVID-19 jab and other vaccines can impact herd immunity.  
How has each country’ government a

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