"Genetically modified organisms safe or unsafe" role of information technology in environment and human health



In this regard, these practices seek to ensure that there was continuous supply of food and other important products to the world’s population, which improved food security. With advancements in technology becoming the order of the day, it is prudent to note that scientists are using technology to improve on food security and ensure the availability of other important products that satisfied human wants. However, some of the approaches that humanity is using technology to produce food and other products have become controversial with some issues dividing the world along two opposing sides with these sides making strong arguments for their case.

In the contemporary world, scientists are increasingly advocating for the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to increase on the production of food and other important products that satisfy human wants. Despite the role played by genetically modified organisms in producing food and products that enhanced food security, there is evidence that GMOs are unsafe, and their use comes with disastrous effects on both animal and human life. A number of controversies surround the production of GMOs, including the ethical nature regarding their production.

However, the most controversial issue regards the safety of GMOs with their effects on human life remaining the most dividing issue. In line with this, evidence available through various researchers suggest that GMOs, and especially genetically modified foods, are unsafe for human consumption. First, research carried out by scientists on rats that fed on GMO food indicates that rats became sick after feeding on GMOs. In this case, a study conducted by Seralini observed that rats fed on GMO products developed brains tumors quickly than rats that were in the control group of the study (qtd.

in Committee for Research & Independent Information on Genetic Engineering). In effect, this indicates that GMOs were unsafe, and their use by human beings put them at a risk of health related complications. On the other hand, evidence suggests that GMOs production involved the addition of chemicals that produced pathogens that were on the same level as viruses. According to a research study conducted by Huber, the virus produced by GMOs contributed to infertility issues on human and animals that feed on the GMOs as well as other health related complications (qtd.

in Krudtaa, “Dr. Huber”). Based on the two safety issues provided above, the use of GMO products poses major risks that affected human life. Nonetheless, the study by Seralini provides the best solution to the question regarding the safety in the use of GMO products by human beings since the study involved the use of rats while the study by Huber linked the production of GMO products with pathogens that contributed to infertility without conducting any research. In line with this, Seralini relied on rats in a study that was thorough and longer than any other previous research conducted by scientists and fed rats with genetically modified maize since the study followed 200 rats for two years (Pollack).

In support of this study, another research study conducted by Gallagher indicated that rats that fed on an eggplant produced through GMO technology “experienced organ and system damage” (qtd. in Krudtaa, “GMO Eggplant”). Furthermore, these eggplants affected the reproduction organs of rats with ovaries reducing their normal weight by half while the spleen enlarged and the white blood cells

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