FPX-4040 Informatics and Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators


Electronic Health Records (EHRs) also play a vital role in disseminating aggregate data within the organization. EHR systems allow for data collection, analysis, and reporting of patient falls, enabling healthcare providers, including nurses, to access and review information on fall rates, interventions, and outcomes (Upadhyay & Hu, 2022).

Collection and Distribution of Quality Indicator Data

The interdisciplinary team plays a critical role in collecting and reporting data related to patient falls, contributing to enhanced patient safety, improved patient care outcomes, and comprehensive organizational performance reports. As a collaborative unit consisting of healthcare professionals from various disciplines, including nurses, physicians, therapists, and others, the interdisciplinary team collaboratively collects and analyzes information on Patient falls.

This team works together to identify potential risk factors, implement preventive measures, and document incidents of Patient falls. By pooling their expertise and knowledge, the interdisciplinary team ensures a comprehensive approach to fall prevention and management (Baumann et al., 2022).

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