For your second milestone in your final project, you will develop a factual overview of your chosen issue (Provider- patient relationship) addressing in detail the following elements: Describe the importance of the issue to the healthcare organization. Identify the key organizational stakeholders involved in the issue. Review the facts and consider whether any stakeholders are involved in the issue who may not be immediately apparent upon casual observation.

Provider-Patient Relationships

Overview and importance of the issue

The healthcare profession embeds significantly on scientific knowledge and creative capabilities of the providers, but also on the interpersonal competencies built through the interaction between healthcare professionals (providers) and the patient. The relationship between physicians and patients is one that aims at enhancing the quality of care and improving patient outcomes. Historical and contemporary findings have strong provider-patient relationships with improved patient outcomes (Nwafor & Nwafor, 2016). The framework of the relationship entails four key models; the interpretive model, the informative model, the deliberative model, and the paternalistic model. The four models are differentiated from one another by the principals that define each, including the provider’s responsibility, the goals of the interaction, patient’s values and their roles, as well as the need for patient autonomy. Physician – Patient Relationship And Health Outcomes Although many factors shape provider-patient relationships, the dynamics extant between the professional and the patient and their effects on the communication processes, as well as sense of trust established between the two parties are the two components that govern the overall relationship (Nwafor & Nwafor, 2016). Healthcare organizations that do not establish enabling grounds for flourishing provider-patient relationships are bound to deliver low quality care that does not yield desirable patient outcomes.

Key organizational stakeholders

Providers (healthcare professionals)- These are trained professionals that deliver healthcare to the patients within the policy framework and also extract and maintain information about the patients (Nwafor & Nwafor, 2016). Physician – Patient Relationship And Health Outcomes  Providers coordinate and deliver patient care with other professionals in a unitary team.

Patients (and their families)- These are typically the individual citizens who reach out to healthcare organizations to seek care services from providers . They are the customers to the employers and have the right to high-level quality of services (Daniel Cukor, 2016).

Employer (Organizational Management) – These are the healthcare organizations that procure care services from the professional providers and enroll patients who are the beneficiaries of such services (Nwafor & Nwafor, 2016). They also operationalize all aspects of healthcare delivery for optimal benefits.

The Role of stakeholders in shaping provider-patient relationships

The role of providers– Healthcare professionals have the primary role to ensure that patients receive the right standards of care, but also to forge the right nature of relationship with the patients throughout the care delivery processes. One of the key roles of care providers in care delivery is to initiate trust within all areas of care delivery so that they can earn the patient’s transparency and openness for an effective and collaborative partnership that will enable quality care (Wu, Wang, Tao, & Peng, 2019). It is only through collaborative decision making that the care delivery process can lead to the desired patient outcomes.

The role of Patients- Patients bears an almost similar role with that of providers in the sense that they constitute one half of the relationship. Patient’s or their representatives hold a crucial role of completing the communication cycle with their providers to inform care decisions. Physician – Patient Relationship And Health Outcomes Besides, patients and their families have the responsibility to trust their care providers and believe that the design and implementation of care is in their best interest to achieve the desired health outcomes (Wu, Wang, Tao, & Peng, 2019). They should also believe that providers value their autonomy and their ability to contribute to care decisions for optimal health outcomes.

Employer- Healthcare management figures operating either in fee-for-performance or value-based care environments healthcare are under continuous pressure to improve health outcomes. Fortunately, most organizations recognize the relevance of fostering strong provider-patient relationships and thus assume different roles towards promoting the relationship. One of the roles of healthcare organization is to promote more well-informed diagnoses by eliminating the potential sources of errors (Wu, Wang, Tao, & Peng, 2019). Physician – Patient Relationship And Health Outcomes This can be achi

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