For this Discussion, review the readings in the Learning Resources. Call to mind instances that illustrate the concepts of reliability and validity. Post an explanation of how an addiction assessment instrument may be reliable but not be valid. Then, explain why an addiction assessment instrument that is not reliable can never be deemed valid. Provide an example to illustrate your point. Justify your response with citations from your Learning Resources.

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Discussion: Reliability and Validity

Reliability of a screening instrument is of importance since it will ensure that the tool w shows the same results regardless of the number of times that the tool is used in the process of examination on the additional patient. On the other hand, the validity of the screening tool focuses on whether the tool is examining the correct item to be measured. An additional instrument may be reliable but not valid if the instrument is consistently providing the same results when it is used in the examination of an additional case (Marrie et al., 2018). However, the tool may be invalid if it does not focus on the additional assessment but if it focuses on something else. The instrument may be focused on other issues such as mental health concerns such as anxiety and not on the additional assessment hence it is not a valid instrument for the examination of the issue of concern. An additional assessment instrument that is not reliable means that it is not presenting the correct results. As such, the tool will be identified to be providing the wrong information on the progress that is being made in the process of examination of the patient. The basis that is used in the development of the health of the patient is supposed to be based on the collection of reliable data. In case the data being collected gives different results over and over means that there will be a challenge in managing the results even if it is to be used….

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