For this assignment: Search the GCU Library and find three different health care articles that use quantitative research. Do not use articles that appear in the Topic Materials or textbook. Complete an article analysis for each using the “Article Analysis 1” template. Refer to the “Patient Preference and Satisfaction in Hospital-at-Home and Usual Hospital Care for COPD Exacerbations: Results of a Randomised Controlled Trial,” in conjunction with the “Article Analysis Example 1,” for an example of an article analysis.

Article Analysis and Evaluation of Research Ethics

Article Citation and Permalink


(APA format)

Maciel, H. I. A., Costa, M. F., Costa, A. C. L., Marcatto, J. D. O., Manzo, B. F., & Bueno, M. (2019). Pharmacological and nonpharmacological measures of pain management and treatment among neonates. Revista Brasileira de terapia intensiva31(1), 21-26.



Point Description
Broad Topic Area/Title The article’s main topic or area of study involves an analysis of pharmacological and nonpharmacological measures of pain management among neonates.
Problem Statement


(What is the problem research is addressing?)

The main problem being addressed in the above study is associated with pain management among the neonates. The researchers, therefore, attempt to analyze if pharmacological and nonpharmacological measures are the best measures of pain management among the neonates.
Purpose Statement


(What is the purpose of the study?)

The study’s purpose is to quantify and describe the pharmacological and nonpharmacological approaches used to reduce stress/ pain among the newborns during hospitalization.
Research Questions


(What questions does the research seek to answer?)

What is the most common pain-relieving approach used among the neonates in intensive care units?


What are some of the effective pain-relieving methods among the neonates in intensive care units

Define Hypothesis


(Or state the correct hypothesis based upon variables used)

Ho: Nonpharmacological approaches are not the most common pain-relieving methods among the neonates intensive care units


H1: Nonpharmacological approaches are the most common pain-relieving methods among the neonates intensive care units

Identify Dependent and Independent Variables and Type of Data for the Variables Independent variable: Pain-relieving approach (categorical variable)


Dependent variable: Treatment outcome (level of pain among neonates); the variable is continuous with a normal distribution.

The population of Interest for Study The population of interest in the study is the newborns or neonates in intensive care units from different hospitals.
Sample The sample size used in the study included 50 newborns (neonates) from various healthcare settings.
Sampling Method A simple random sampling method was used to identify the respondents/study participants.
Identify Data Collection


Identify how data were collected

The questionnaires were used to collect information from the study participants.
Summarize Data Collection Approach The process of data collection involved creating a specialized form regarding the information of neonates, including date of birth, type of delivery, Apgar score at 1 and 5 minutes of life, weight, sex, etc. (Maciel et al., 2019)
Discuss Data Analysis


Include what types of statistical tests were used for the variables.

The data analysis process involved descriptive analysis in showing the attributes of the dependent and independent variables used. Also, there was the use of frequencies and percentages to show the effectiveness of pharmacological and nonpharmacological approaches in pain management.
Summarize Results of Study From the study, it was confirmed that neonates mainly receive nonpharmacological pain-relief approaches. On the other hand, the pharmacological measures in pain relief is still a challenge while caring for the neonates in intensive care units. Also, nonpharmacological measures in pain management can be adopted in isolation to

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