Florida Plan for Preparedness & Disaster Management


Florida is a state with an increased risk of disaster. It arises in the region due to the fact that hydrometeorological and geological hazards interact with vulnerability factors of a physical, social, economic and environmental nature. Therefore, the state has a fairly effective disaster preparedness and management plan. The Florida strategy defines the main tasks for the coming years regarding the adoption of more systematic measures (Abukhalaf & Meding, 2020). They are aimed at addressing disaster risks in the context of sustainable development. The plan also allows for counteraction by strengthening local capacity to manage risk and reduce this risk. Several points can be attributed to the most priority areas in the development of measures to combat natural disasters in Florida (Scott et al., 2022). First of all, it is the identification, assessment and monitoring of disaster risk factors and the improvement of early warning. It also includes the use of knowledge, innovative solutions and education to create a safe environment and counteraction potential at all levels.


Abukhalaf, A. H., & Meding, J. V. (2020). Communication challenges in campus emergency planning: The case of Hurricane Dorian in Florida. Natural Hazards, 104(4), 1535-1565.

Scott, B. L., Montoya, M., Farzan, A., Cruz, M., Jaskela, M., Smith, B., LaGoy, M., & Marshall, J. (2022). Barriers and opportunities for the MCH workforce to support hurricane preparedness, response, and recovery in Florida. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 26(6), 556-564.

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