Florence Nightingale’s Environmental Model Meaning A description of the main ideas of the theory (assumptions)


The key focus of the theory is making the patients’ environment as conducive as possible in an attempt to augment outcomes. The major aspects of the environment that can be altered include ambient and indoor air; water; food supply; drainage; patients’ hygiene; and light. All elements should be in balance to reduce patients’ stress (Zborowsky, 2014).

Florence Nightingale’s Environmental Model is a patient-care theory that is based on seven major concepts, including the view of nursing as a calling, art, and science; natural laws; the idea that people can achieve perfection; patient outcomes can be improved through environmental alterations; and nursing has basic educational and training requirements. Additionally, nursing should be perceived as a distinct discipline. Main concepts

Nightingale’s Canons include nursing room ventilation and warming; light and noise regulation; personal and environmental cleanliness; bed and bedding; giving hope and advice to patients; giving clean and healthy food; observation; variety and health of houses.

Main relationships between the concepts

The Nightingale’s Canons are interdependent. They all revolve around alteration of environments to ensure that patients’ outcomes are augmented.

Origins of the Theory

What was going on in the profession of nursing or in American society that may have influenced the theory?

Florence Nightingale was working as a nurse during the Crimean war, which leads to the killing of many soldiers (Fee & Garofalo, 2010). Crimean war victims (soldiers) were critically wounded yet they were being treated in horrifying sanitary conditions. Extremely poor conditions amplified the number of deaths and the suffering of patients. It is approximated that the rate of deaths emanating from sanitary related diseases was ten times more than wounds and injuries sustained during the war (Fee & Garofalo, 2010).

A number of scandals broke out (in American society) about the poor conditions, the soldiers were subjected.

What values, theories, evidence, and/or existing knowledge did the theorist cite as support for the theory?

Florence Nightingale was a Christian and strongly believed in giving hope and advice to patients. She included these values in canons of the theory. Additionally, she was deeply moved by extremely bad environmental conditions of war victims. The knowledge that more deaths were caused by environmental factors relative to wounds informed her decision.

It is worth noting that nurses had a poor reputation, which led to shortages of personnel.

What motivated the theorist to write the theory?

Nightingale wanted to improve the conditions of suffering soldiers. For instance, she observed that soldiers in the British base hospital in Constantinople were dying in conditions that could be altered. She was, therefore, motivated to write the theory to influence healthcare practitioners to consider environmental issues in nursing practice.

What approach to theory development did the theorist use?

Nightingale used scientific and philosophical observations to develop her theory.


How useful is this theory in practice?

The theory is one of the most useful in nursing practice (Selanders, 2010).

Is the theory practical and helpful to nursing?

Nightingale’s theory is pertinent to care delivery, especially on matters pertaining to sanitation.

Does it contribute to understanding and predicting outcomes?

When using Nightingale’s theory, it is possible to comprehend patients’ needs and predict outcomes.

Cite an example/case study where this theory could be used

Nightingale’s theory can be used in the alteration of nursing environments with the aim of augmenting outcomes.

How testable is this theory?

Nightingale’s theory can be tested using scientific and empirical studies.

Has this theory generated research? How many and what types of studies?

Nightingale’s theory has generated a considerable number of studies, especially on the alteration of environments.

Give one example of a study done using the theory

A study was carried out in Kenya to link environmental factors to TB patients. It is imperative to note that TB spreading and patients’ outcomes are highly dependent on the environment. The study concluded that the spread of TB could be

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