Federal Emergency Management Agency Essay


The FEMA Website is useful for Public Health Nurse Disaster Management. Faith-Based Community Preparedness can plan for potential emergencies such as fires, tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, and active shooters. The recourses provide faith and community leaders and employers information and education on how to prepare for and mitigate against an emergency or disaster (FEMA, 2020). The training play books provide testing and evaluation on how to respond to a natural or emergency disaster, including active shooting and bomb preventing. Nurses should educate and train within health organizations to understand their roles and responsibilities and be ready to respond to those in need.Federal Emergency Management Agency Essay

Special Topics in Business Introduction The Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, is responsible for coordinating the government’s role in preparation, prevention, response and recovery from domestic disaster, whether they be natural or man-made. FEMA.gov lists 1849 total disasters declared since 1953, with an average of 32 each year (13). This particular agency has generated a lot of praise and but just as much criticism. Over the course of FEMA’s history, there are many lessons to be learned and FEMA is always looking for ways to be more effective. This paper will examine the history of FEMA, evaluate its performance over the years and pinpoint lessons to be learned and actions to be taken. History and Purpose of…show more content…
Now, DHS has to share its money with the department as a whole. FEMA’s funding comes from the President’s budget, but it is in direct competition with all of the other administration’s current interests, particular with its sister departments within DHS. FEMA often takes a backseat to terrorism. In the integration of FEMA into the DHS, FEMA had to contribute to the start-up costs of the new department, but unfortunately evidence suggests that the agency may have been made to pay a disproportionately higher amount than larger agencies. FEMA officials say this directly affected their levels of service in 2004 and 2005 (14). In the integration, FEMA lost some programs, but lost major ones as well (14). In 2005, plans continued to reduce FEMA. Director at the time, Michael Brown, wrote a memo in June expressing his concern about the agency’s future if the cuts continued (13). Perhaps the most ironic cut was the disaster planning exercise “Hurricane Pam.” This exercise, in which outlines a scenario where a disastrous hurricane hits New Orleans, leaving more than 100,000 people in the city, began a year before Katrina. The exercise was never finished because the Bush Administration cut funding (13). But it doesn’t look like FEMA is going anywhere. Inspector General Richard Skinner wrote a 2009 report in which he said, “Removing FEMA from DHS at this point would cause considerable upheaval, to both FEMA and the department.” (11)Federal Emergency Management Agency Essay

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is a body under the United States Department of Homeland Security that was created in 1978 to improve the safety of the American residents, especially during disasters. FEMA has a primary mandate of coordinating the response to any disaster that may occur in the U.S. and that overwhelms both local and state authorities’ resources. FEMA comes in to aid only after the governor of the involved state has declared a state of emergency and has made a formal request. However, there is an exception to the gubernatorial declaration requirement, when an emergency occurs on a federal property such as the Space Shuttle Columbia experienced in the 2003 return-flight disaster (“About the FEMA Agency”, 2016). The Hurricane Katrina disaster highly challenged the operations of FEMA thereby leading to great changes in the agency. The Storm that is ranked as the third most intense U.S.Federal Emergency Management Agency Essay

The history of FEMA dates back to over 200 years ago. However, FEMA was founded in 1979 through merging of several other disaster related organizations such as the Federal preparedness Agency, the National Fire Control and Prevention Administration (FA), and the Federal Insurance Administration (FIA) among others (Lindell 34). The aim of merging this disaster related organizations into one agency (FEMA) was to enable discharge of responsibilities from one central point to ensure that efficiency was maintained (Haddow, p 3). FEMA is located within the Department of Homeland Security, and it is charged with responsibilities of coordinating and responding to both man-made and natural disasters that fall under the mandate of the federal government (White, p. 578). For over 30 years, FEMA has contributed immensely in responding to disasters such as earthquakes, acts of terror, fires, and s

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