Family Health Assessment: Social determinants of health (SDOH)




This paper will be presenting crucial information related to the first family assessment paper in the regard of assessing the family’s status in a deeper context in the light of helping the family to make the necessary adjustment s to live a healthier and better life regardless of their situation. The discussion will first focus on the social determinants of health (SDOH) that are affecting the status of the family’s health, which will then be followed by an explanation of the impact that these SDOH have on the family, and an explanation of why these factors are prevalent for this family will ensue. Recommended age-appropriate screenings for each family member will then be provided, which will be followed by an explanation of the health model that will be selected to create a plan of action.  A discussion of why this health model is the best for this family will be provided, which will be followed by a section that will outline the steps for a family-centered health promotion guided by the chosen model.

The SDOH that affect the family health status

The social determinants of health are the social and economic conditions that influence group and individual disparities in health status. SDOH are the health-promoting elements that occur in one’s working and living conditions; for instance, wealth, income distribution, power, and which majorly influence the vulnerability to injury or disease or risk for infection. Usually, the distribution and quality of SDOH are shaped by the public policies that reveal the existing political ideologies of that particular area.

In this regard, one of the major SDOH affecting the family health status is income and social status. The family cannot access some essential services that would accentuate the wellbeing of their health. They cannot afford to go for regular checkups and worse, the husband has reached a point that he does not even desire to seek intervention to deal with his problem because he thinks such help is unnecessary given that he holds a false belief that he can manage his condition.

The second SDOH is education and literacy, defended by the fact that the parents of this family are not well-educated and as such, they have low-end jobs that do not provide them with sufficient income that would allow them to access even basic services like regular health check up. Agreeing with observations advanced by Bernazzani (2016), education influences better health, and as a result, they are restricted in the kind of access they can get and have to find a way to live on the moderate income they are getting. This is one of the major stressors in this family, seeing that the father is incessantly anxious for how he is going to continue providing for his growing family.

The third SDOH is healthy behaviors, and this is reflecting well for the family because it has committed itself to practice some desirable health behaviors that are cathartic to their health and overall wellbeing. For instance, the family has been eating together and bonding on a daily basis, which is largely influencing their children positively because they are taking up better-eating behaviors.  Additionally, they have also been praying together and running, health behaviors that are continuing to enhance the health of their family. However, the father is also dealing with an over-thinking problem that is causing him anxiety, which is also beginning to affect his family and putting them at danger of dysfunction.

Another SDOH is access to health services. Their income is not sufficient, and hence they have minimal access to health services. The husband is also dismissive of the significance of seeking therapy to deal with his problem of excessive thinking because they are not accustomed to regular check-ups. This attitude towards seeking medical assistance is causing the family further complications because he husband’s stresses are beginning to get to the wife and if left unchecked, they will affect the children as well. This is because as Lucyk and McLaren (2017) observe, such health inequities are major SDOH that affect wellness. The last SDOH is the physical environment, which, although it well maintained, there is still an inadequacy of good chances of advancement in terms of better working opportunities because it is a low-income neighborhood.

What is the impact of these SDOH on the family?

In discussing the impact of these SDOH, it is necessary to note that there are both good and bad repercussions of the SDOH, with the major factors posing increasing health problems for the family. For instance, in the SDOH of income and social status, the family is affected negatively because the members are unable to access sufficient check up and they are also compelled to live in a

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