Exploring the Role of Doctor of Nursing Practice in Meeting Future Demands Essay (Article)

Within the healthcare sector, there are suppliers comprising nurses, physicians, and other professionals, while the patients and their families are the ones in demand of the services. The healthcare providers are given standard education. However, the market forces related to the demand include demographics, epidemiological, and socioeconomic factors. Notably, the demand for healthcare services is derived as it is an intermediate for achieving well-being. In addition, one-third of the nursing workforce will expire by 2025.

Nurses can enhance their expertise through a DNP or Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.). The former focuses on skill development while the latter on teaching and research. Technology continues to influence nursing practice. Future prospects should seek to improve the nursing workforce through leadership, education, and well-being. Moreover, there should be emergency preparedness, and responsibility in alignment with individual and structural forces. Innovativeness is then achieved by using the garnered skills and knowledge to try new ways of improving healthcare.

In conclusion, the article effectively shows that the training that nurses obtain may not be sufficient to meet the ever-changing demands of the patients. One way of honing skills and investing in evidence-based practice is through the DNP and Ph.D. programs. Enrolling in such educational platforms helps nurses to remain relevant and develop innovative measures.


Georgianna, T., & Somi, N. (2022). Challenges in the Nursing Workforce, Graduate Nursing Education, and Future of Nursing. The Nursing Voice122(2), 1-6.

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