Explore the Sigma Theta Tau website https://www.sigmanursing.org/ and discuss how this organization supports nursing leadership. 2. Navigate to the nurse manager certificate program https://www.sigmamarketplace.org/nurse-manager-certificate-program-online-course and identify how this program could support you as a new nursing leader. 3. Do you describe yourself as a lifelong learner? If so, why do you feel it is important?



Nursing Assignment
The Sigma Nursing organization supports nursing leadership through various efforts, including providing an opportunity for nursing leaders to network and collaborate, providing nursing leadership education programs, and having a nursing leadership academy (Sigmanursing.org, 2020b).
The sigma nursing organization has several chapters in different regions across the US that promote professional networking and collaboration of nurses to improve their leadership skills. The sigma nursing organization also organizes various events to enhance the leadership skills of nurses. The sigma nursing organization also provides nursing leadership education through various programs such as webinars and online education platforms. Such courses allow nurse leaders to pursue various opportunities for continuing professional development. The Sigma Nursing organization also has a center for excellence in nursing education which is a program in which the organization partners with top institutions to enhance nursing leadership. The sigma nursing organization also has various educational podcasts on different nursing leadership topics. Finally, the sigma nursing organization also promotes nursing leadership by providing scholarships for nurses to advance their education and also sponsoring various research efforts (Sigmanursing.org, 2020b).
The Sigma nursing organization’s nurse manager certificate program can help me to enhance my leadership skills as a new nursing leader. This is because the program was formulated by experienced nurses with both academic and clinical expertise in management and leadership. Having been formulated by experienced nurse leaders, the course is likely to contain practical examples that can help me improve my leadership skills. The course also has various activities to engage with the learner, which can help me improve my leadership skills. The nurse manager certificate program can also support me as a new nursing leader because it addresses various areas of nursing leadership. The certificate program can therefore help to introduce me to management, administrative and organizational theory, which are central to the nursing leadership role (Sigmanursing.org, 2020a). The course also focuses on training one to utilize evidence to guide various management and decision-making processes and also utilizing evidence to guide strategic planning. In this regard, the course will be vital in helping to prepare a new nursing leader for their role. The course is also vital in helping me to cope effectively with my role as a nursing leader by equipping me with skills Such as enhancing patient satisfaction, project management, management of teams, facilitating staff development, and creating effective business plans and budgets for health care facilities. The nurse certificate program by the sigma organization can also help me to be more effective as a new nurse leader by introducing me to the art of leading and preparing me to effectively handle various strategies and issues related to human resources. Finally, the program can play a significant role in helping me to have a life balance in my new nursing leadership role (Sigmanursing.org, 2020a).
I view myself as a lifelong learner. I believe that lifelong learning is important to the nursing profession because it contributes significantly to the quality of nursing practice. Lifelong learning enables nurses to base their practice on the strongest and the most recent evidence that is available to eventually produce high-quality outcomes for patients and assist in preventing poor practices and protect the general public (Coady, 2016). Lifelong learning requires that nurses reflect on their current competencies and evaluate the latest changes in society and the healthcare environment. After reflecting, nurses should therefore take action to acquire and develop new competencies to satisfy the healthcare needs of the population (Mlambo, Silén, & McGrath, 2021).


Coady, M. J. (2016). Continuing Professional Education: Enduring Challenges, New Developments, and Future Vistas. New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2016(151), 91–96. https://doi.org/10.1002/ace.20198
Mlambo, M., Silén, C., & McGrath, C. (2021). Lifelong learning and nurses’ continuing professional development, a meta-synthesis of the literature. BMC Nursing, 20(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-021-00579-2
Sigmanursing.org. (2020a). Nurse Manager Certificate Program – Online Course. Retrieved September 22, 2021, from https://www.sigmamarketplace.org/nurse-manager-certificate-program-online-course
Sigmanursing.org. (2020b). Sigma Academies. Retrieved September 22, 2021, from https://www.sigmanursing.org/learn-grow/sigma-academies

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