Explore how programs, practices, and policies in these areas affect the health of individuals, families, and communities. Establish common goals, complementary roles, and ongoing constructive relationships between the health sector and these areas. Maximize opportunities for collaboration among Federal-, state-, and local-level partners related to social determinants of health.

Mylinda’s post

Mylinda’s choice of area of interest complies with the assignment. She examines Covid 19 which has become a global disaster in the current society. She identifies specific issues affecting the patients in her care organization such as lack of oxygen and medical insurance covers which forces the patient’s duration of hospitalization to increase or worse still they die. The author also identifies the social determinants affecting her patient such as economics and finances. Most patients are not able to pay for the services required to manage the corona virus such as payment for oxygen, ventilation and medications. This is due to the high costs and also poverty. As noted by the Health People 2020, lack of economic resources undermines prevention of diseases as well as treatment since patients cannot access services and medications (Marriott, 2020).Social determinants in healthcare Essay.

The author also identifies language and literacy as the other social determinant affecting Covid-19 patients. She explains that the patient is Hispanic and does not speak English which is the universal language in the healthcare facility. This hinders her access to care since translators are required and most cases unavailable. Mylinda has thus explored the social determinants exhaustively. She also provides the impacts and possible solutions to resolve the social determinants. However, the author does not explain how screening is conducted in the facility to identify social determinants of health. The missed opportunities are also not articulated in the post.Social determinants in healthcare Essay.

Vivian’s post

Vivian provides a good introduction of the patent’s case she is handling. From the initial stage of writing, it is evident that the patient experiences language barrier as the first social determinant of health. The patient and the wife do not speak English which is bound to make it difficult for him to access medical services as the communication between the providers will be curtailed (Andermann, 2016). This also translates to lack of health literacy which could lead to distortion of information as the wife translates in Mandarin language. The author also provides specific examples to back up her arguments from the case such as when the patient and the wife do not understand Osteoarthritis and treatments as well.

Concerning her second case, Vivian presents economy and finances as the social determinant affecting the patient. This is explained clearly with specific evidence of her working late and overtime to fend for her family leaving her son to consume unhealthy diet which has resulted to obesity. She also identifies language barrier once more and how it has crippled the efforts of the patient’s mother to seek medical help for her obese child. The solutions to these determinants is also expressed correctly. However, despite mentioning screening, Vivian does not specify the type of screening that should be conducted on her clients to determine the missed opportunities and identify the determinants. I wish the author added that important section in her work.

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