Explain whether cognitive behavioral therapy would be effective with this group. Include expected outcomes based on this therapeutic approach.


Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) would be effective with this group as it would seek to change how the group members think. To be more precise, it would help them tune into their internal dialogue in order to change the maladaptive thinking patterns. It challenges their beliefs and assumptions while helping them to change their thinking while being more realistic so as to feel better. Besides that, they learn about problem solving even as they are encouraged to take an active role in the group activities. CBT would work for the group by educating the clients to learn about becoming their own therapists while focusing on the present and problem solving (Green, 2019).


Explain any legal and/or ethical implications related to counseling each client.

Amy and Diana are adults, and counseling them presents some legal and ethical concerns. The first concern is to maintain professional boundaries without developing a personal relationship. It is outside the ethical boundaries to counsel a person with a personal relationship as each client deserves an objective and unbiased therapist who would offer the expected confidentiality (Wheeler, 2014). The second concern is professional ability. The therapist must be trained and skilled to offer the counseling services. It is important that a therapist to only offer the services for which he/she is trained. The third concern is maintaining confidentiality with regards to keeping all personal information confidential to include contact information, patient notes and intake forms. The information must be stored securely and only accessible to authorized persons. The fourth concern is respect for patient differences that include different cultures, walks for life and backgrounds (Remley Jr. & Herlihy, 2016).



American Psychiatric Association (2015). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). Author.

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