Explain what the results of the Assessment suggest about the health and civility of your workplace

Explain what the results of the Assessment suggest about the health and civility of
your workplace
The assessment results suggest a moderately health workplace. This indicates a presence
of civility among employees and clear understanding of the organizational cultural attributes. In
addition, the assessment indicates a high employee turnover and inability to attract experienced
staff by the facility. According, the findings show ineffective collaboration due to a lack of a
open communication channel that is respectful and transparent. In this case, the leadership
should encourage informal communication and team building which is essential in fostering high
job productivity and satisfaction (Broome & Marshall, 2021). The assessment suggests a poor
job task allocation and delegation by nurse leaders and role conflict within the company. In
addition, the findings indicate excess workload and unfair allocation of work among the nurses.

Part 2: Theory or Concept

1. Briefly describe the theory or concept presented in the articles you selected
Clark, C. M., Olender, L., Cardoni, C., & Kenski, D. (2011). Fostering civility in nursing
education and practice: Nurse leader perspectives.JONA: The Journal of Nursing
Administration, Vol 41(7/8), 324-330
The main theory outlined by the article is how incivility can contribute to an adverse
working environment that will trigger negative outcomes for both employees and the overall

organization. The article reviews the effectiveness of cognitive rehearsal in solving bullying and
other uncivil behaviors in the workplace (Clark, Olender, Cardoni & Kenski, 2011, p 326). The
authors advocate for open discussions regarding healthy workplace and civil communication.
The article outlines negative effects of incivility that include poor working relationship among
staff, increase in medical costs, low quality patient care, and unsafe workplace environment
(Clark, Olender, Cardoni & Kenski, 2011, p 328). The authors suggest a need for continuous
nurse education and training in fostering civility.
Griffin, M & Clark, C.M. (2014). “Revisiting cognitive rehearsal as an intervention against
incivility and lateral violence in nursing: 10 years later”, The journal of continuing
education in nursing, Vol 45, Issue 12, pp 535-542.
The authors utilize leadership concepts like showing a genuine concern to followers to
argue that managers are responsible for addressing nurse concerns and grievances. The article
points out insufficient communication between nurses and management contribute to uncivil
behaviors and bullying. The authors argue that cognitive rehearsal is sufficient and effective in
preventing lateral violence according to existing research evidence (Griffin & Clark, 2014, p
540)). The main concept is that unsociable practices like bullying hinder employee performance.

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