Explain how your organization could apply the theory highlighted in your selected article(s) to improve organizational health and/or create stronger work teams. Be specific and provide examples.

The theory and concept highlighted by the articles can be utilized to improve
organizational health and establish work teams. In this case, it is important to eliminate incivility
and lateral violence that fosters unhealthy workplace and negative employees’ attitudes and
behavior in the company (Griffin & Clark, 2014, p 538). The leaders should encourage civility
and positive work attitudes in organization’s culture. Civility theory can facilitate creation of
stronger work teams by furthering an understanding of the common vision and mission of the
hospital. Civility encourages effective communication due to respect and trust among employees.
In this case, civility encourages norming by team members and supports open communication
which encourages diversity of ideas in problem solving. In this regards, team members can air
their views without fear of reprisal thus leading to better decision making by the team. According
to article analysis, incivility at the workplace leads to negative patient outcomes and hinders
collaboration in the organization. A clear example from the article is the difficulties faced by the
manager (Melanie) in task allocation to nurses (Annie) and high workload which is not
manageable by the nurse. In this regard, civility can assist managers to allocate tasks to teams
depending on each employee’s unique abilities and attributes.

Accordingly, the company should entrench a positive and productive work ethics and
culture and communicate the shared values and beliefs in all human resource management
activities. For instance, the corporate culture should be aligned with the nursing ethical code of
conduct and civility values (Broome & Marshall, 2021). In addition, the leadership style should
encourage ethical practices, kindness, and cordial cooperation among nurses. The management
should establish a civility team that will guide the subordinate staff in compliance with civility
values and foster cohesion in working teams and prevent role conflicts that hinder job
performance. For instance, the DESC model is relevant in problem solving and conflict
resolution in work teams. In addition, employee training on ethical values and professional
development programs will promote ethical behaviors and boost cooperation among work teams.

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