Explain how you, as a social worker, might apply the grieving model you selected to your work with families in a hospice environment


The main model utilized by social workers to deal with grief is Dual process model that
identifies different stages that individual undergo during grief. The dual process aims at
addressing shortcomings of existing grief theories on how to deal with denial, repression, and
avoidance. As a social worker, I will use the model to address the social, physical, and emotional
needs of the grieved individual. I will address the loss-oriented stressors as well as the
restoration-oriented stressors which are main sources of grief according to the model (Stroebe
and Schut, 1999, p 199). For instance, I will ensure that my client is not stressed by looking at
the old photos of the loved one or loss of income if the person was a dependant of the lost loved
one. I will encourage the client to stop remembering the old memories shared with the deceased
and encourage him or her to focus on the future. I will advice the family to avoid stressors that
bring sad memories or feelings of loneliness (Shier & Graham, 2011, p 39). The second aspect
will entail addressing the restorative sources of stress and ensure coping. For instance, the client
might be experiencing feelings of isolation due to the loss. In this regard, I will offer comfort and
encourage the client to join a social group in order to attain a sense of belonging. I will

encourage oscillation between confronting the loss and avoiding the loss which is necessary in
attaining healthy grieving. I will advice the family members to take up new roles which were
initially done by the lost individual such as cooking and providing for the family (Stroebe and
Schut, 1999, p 201). The third aspect of restoration will entail enabling the families to stay away
from grief through attending to life changes such as holding new events and starting new
1.1 Explain why you selected to use the grieving model you selected versus other models of grief
I selected to use the grieving model versus others due to its efficacy and reliability in
addressing grief originating from death (Zisook & Shear, 2013, p 253). The model is best in
addressing social and cultural factors surrounding grief than Kubler_Ross model that does not
consider economic and social factors associated with grief. I preferred the model since it
addresses shortcomings of other models in dealing with denial and repression. In addition, the
model deals with sources of loss-oriented stressors and also the active stressors than originate
from the restoration aspect of grieving. The model is inclusive and conclusive unlike other
models of addressing grief like Kubler-Ross model (Zisook & Shear, 2013, p 252).

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