Explain how understanding the health-illness continuum enables you, as a health care provider, to better promote the value and dignity of individuals or groups and to serve others in ways that promote human flourishing.


Health care providers, such as nurses, work in medical services delivery and this offers them a unique vantage point to objectively appreciate the health-illness continuum. They see patients at various stages of illness thus exposing them to an invariable pattern of health. Through using their knowledge that integrates biophysical and physiological sciences, health care providers are able to use a caring, dignified and holistic approach across the continuum to assist the society, communities, families and individual in promoting, maintaining and restoring optimal health and wellness. Knowledge of the continuum allows health care providers to embrace their unique role and wide range of functions that include interdisciplinary collaboration, leadership, communication, ethical decision-making, advocacy and teaching (Hansen-Turton, Sherman & King, 2015). In addition, it helps them to promote a safe environment in all practice settings as they employ professional principles such as concept of change theory, principles of justice and equality, care judgment, and care processes. The health-illness continuum specifically helps health care providers to promote the value and dignity of individuals by perceiving each person as multidimensional and unique while possessing universal needs. Besides that, the continuum helps health care providers to perceive ach individual as comprised of a unique combination of spiritual, cultural and biopsychosocial attributes.  With this knowledge, each patient is encouraged to master developmental tasks that help them strive towards self-actualization with the health care provider helping the patient to reclaim and develop new pathways towards human flourishing (Finkelman & Kenner, 2014). Overall, health-illness continuum is helps with attaining optimal wellness and health by the individual with health care providers assisting individuals with health promotion and attaining optimal health and wellness across the lifespan.Human Experience Across Health-Illness Continuum

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