Explain how understanding the health-illness continuum enables you, as a health care provider, to better promote the value and dignity of individuals or groups and to serve others in ways that promote human flourishing

 If a particular individual does not have any serious ailments they can put themself in the middle of the health-illness spectrum, specifically, the area labeled “normal health”, also they must be aware of several harmful habits that do not help them to stay healthy. In terms of personal mental well-being and perspective, individuals should be conscious that there are times when they tend to overthink and be pessimistic, but they must keep constantly working on this to improve themselves and how they care for their patients, as well as the people around them. This is another factor that will lead to adopting the word "normal." When carefully caring for the health, developing habits is vital, and one of the first steps is deciding which positive behaviors to start or keep doing and which ones to discontinue. Lack of sleep or staying up late, a lack of exercise or insufficient movement, and a propensity to snack on unhealthy foods are a few examples of behaviors that are taking away from an individual's health. People must try to practice positive and healthy behaviors like drinking 2 liters of water every day, writing in a notebook or diary for their mental health, and wearing sunscreen all the time. These are only little adjustments, but they go a long way toward forming good habits in someone's life.

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